2/19/19 WWE 205 Live Recap: Carrillo/TJP; Daivari in Action; Alexander/Kanellis; No. 1 Contender’s Tournament Announced

Feb 19, 2019 - by Michael Riba

205 Live opens with Drake Maverick announcing the matches for tonight: Humberto Carrillo vs. TJP and Cedric Alexander vs. Mike Kanellis. He also announces that a tournament will take place and the winner will challenge Buddy Murphy for the WWE Cruiserweight Championship at WrestleMania 35. The opening credits roll, and then Aiden English, Nigel McGuinness, and Vic Joseph welcome us to the show.

Match #1 – Singles Match: Humberto Carrillo vs. TJP
TJP applies a headlock, but Carrillo gets free and takes TJP to the floor with an arm-drag. Drew Gulak and Gentleman Jack Gallagher come to ringside to cheer on Carrillo. TJP gets back into the ring and applies a wrist-lock to Carrillo. Carrillo comes back with a heel-hook take down, but TJP counters with a head-scissors take down. Carrillo gets free, but TJP drops him with a slam. Carrillo comes back with a forearm and then a cross-body from the top. Carrillo connects with a forearm shot, but TJP comes back and slams Carrillo to the mat again. TJP works over Carrillo’s arm and takes him down again. TJP delivers a senton and goes for the cover, but Carrillo kicks out at one. TJP kicks Carrillo in the midsection and then locks in a rear chin-lock. Carrillo gets free, but TJP sends him into the ring post and then hangs him in the tree of woe.
TJP delivers a dropkick in the corner and goes for the cover, but Carrillo kicks out at two. TJP applies a shoulder bar, but Carrillo counters out. Carrillo delivers an elbow shot and then a kick. Carrillo follows it up with an enzuiguri that sends TJP to the floor. Carrillo connects with a suicide dive and tosses TJP back into the ring. Carrillo goes for the cover, but TJP kicks out at two. Carrillo goes up top, but TJP dodges. Carrillo delivers a few kicks and then delivers a moonsault. Carrillo goes for the cover, but TJP kicks out at two. TJP comes back and locks in an STF, but Carrillo gets to the ropes. Carrillo and TJP brawl on the apron and Carrillo delivers a right hand. Carrillo delivers a dropkick back in the ring and then connects with a splash from the ropes and gets the pin fall.
Winner: Humberto Carrillo
After the match, Gulak and Gallagher get into the ring and clap for Carrillo and then lift him on their shoulders to celebrate.

We see a promo from Tony Nese. He says be finally proved to Noam Dar that he is the better man and he has finally realized that 205 Live is his for the taking. He says he will win the tournament and will become the Cruiserweight Champion at WrestleMania.

Mike and Maria Kanellis are backstage. Kayla Braxton asks if it was wise for him to challenge Alexander to a match when he hasn’t been successful on 205 Live. Maria interrupts with questions of her own and defends her husband. Maria says Mike will take out Alexander and prove to everyone why he is the most dangerous man in 205 Live.

Match #2 – Singles Match: Ariya Daivari vs. Johnny Lyons
Daivari beats down Lyons and then delivers a knee strike in the corner. Daivari delivers a series of kicks and then stomps Lyons into the mat. Daivari delivers the hammer-lock lariat and then locks in the Cobra Clutch and Lyons taps out.
Winner: Ariya Daivari

Buddy Murphy cuts a promo backstage. He says he knows Drake Maverick is trying to give him tough competition, and then runs down all of the men that he has defeated. He says he talked to Maverick about making the eight-man tournament and then asks who will step up to the plate to face the Greatest Cruiserweight of All-time on the Grandest Stage of Them All.

Match #3 – Singles Match: Cedric Alexander vs. Mike Kanellis (w/Maria Kanellis)
Alexander backs Kanellis into the corner, but Kanellis turns it around. Alexander sends Kanellis into the ropes, but Kanellis comes back and they lock up. Kanellis applies a side-headlock and takes Alexander to the mat. Kanellis then drops Alexander with a shoulder tackle, but Alexander comes back with a arm-drag. Kanellis kicks Alexander in the midsection and then delivers a few rights. Alexander comes back with a hurricanrana and a dropkick. Alexander chops Kanellis in the corner and then delivers a kick to the head. Alexander goes for the cover, but Kanellis kicks out at two. Alexander kicks Kanellis in the face and then delivers a chop in the corner. Alexander comes over the ropes, but Kanellis counters with a right hand. Kanellis takes Alexander to the floor and beats him down before tossing him back into the ring.
Alexander comes back with a few chops, but Kanellis drops him with another right hand. Kanellis slams Alexander into the corner and goes for the cover, but Alexander kicks out quickly. Kanellis applies a rear chin-lock, but Alexander gets free and delivers a palm strike and then a few dropkicks. Alexander drops Kanellis with a few clotheslines and then an elbow strike. Alexander delivers the Neuralizer and goes for a springboard, but his knee gives out. Kanellis stomps away on the knee, but Alexander catches him with a roll-up. Kanellis kicks out at two, but Alexander delivers a superkick. Alexander sets up for the Lumbar Check, but Kanellis counters and then kicks Alexander in the face. Kanellis slams Alexander to the mat and goes for the cover, but Alexander kicks out at two. Kanellis and Alexander trade shots and Alexander gets on the ropes.
Kanellis cuts him off and hits the backpack stunner. Kanellis goes for the cover, but Alexander kicks out at two. Alexander comes back with a roll-up for two and then gets another two count with a back-slide. Alexander slams Kanellis to the mat with a Michinoku Driver and goes for another cover, but Kanellis kicks out at two. Kanellis kicks Alexander away and brings him to the apron. They each connect with a kick to the face, and Kanellis falls to the floor while Alexander hits the apron. Alexander goes after Kanellis, but Kanellis counters with a spinebuster on the entrance ramp. Alexander gets back into the ring at nine, but Kanellis stomps him into the mat. Kanellis locks in a Boston Crab, but Alexander gets to the ropes. Alexander dumps Kanellis to the outside and then takes him out with a suicide dive. Alexander tosses Kanellis back into the ring, but Maria gets in his face.
Alexander gets back into the ring, but Kanellis delivers a superkick and slams him to the mat. Kanellis goes for the cover, but Alexander gets his shoulder up at two. Mike and Maria think Mike has won, but Alexander comes back and hits the Lumber Check for the pin fall.
Winner: Cedric Alexander

We join Drake Maverick backstage and he reveals that Kalisto vs. Tony Nese and The Brian Kendrick vs. Drew Gulak will be two of the first round tournament matches and they will take place on next week’s show.

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