2/12/19 WWE 205 Live Recap: Dorado/Gallagher; Dar/Nese; Murphy/Tozawa Contract Signing

Feb 12, 2019 - by Michael Riba

The show opens with a recap of the feud between Noam Dar and Tony Nese, which will culminate with a No Disqualification Match tonight. The opening credits then roll, and Aiden English, Nigel McGuinness, and Vic Joseph welcome us to the show.

We see that Buddy Murphy and Akira Tozawa will have a contract signing for their match at Elimination Chamber later tonight.

Match #1 – Singles Match: Lince Dorado (w/Gran Metalik and Kalisto) vs. Gentleman Jack Gallagher (w/Drew Gulak)
Gallagher drops Dorado to the mat and applies a wrist-lock. Dorado gets free and suplexes Gallagher to the mat. Dorado goes for the cover, but Gallagher kicks out at two. Gallagher comes back with a side-headlock and then takes Dorado down to the mat. Dorado fights free and delivers a back-breaker. Dorado goes for the cover, but Gallagher kicks out again. Gallagher comes back and drapes Dorado over the top rope and then backs him into the corner. Dorado gets free and sends Gallagher to the outside. Dorado goes for a suicide dive, but stops when Gallagher backs up to Gulak at the announce table. Dorado grabs Gallagher and tosses him back into the ring, but Gallagher trips him up as he goes up top. Gallagher stomps away on Dorado and then delivers forearm shots. Gallagher goes for the cover, but Dorado kicks out at two.
Gallagher kicks Dorado in the midsection and then drops his knee across Dorado’s chest a few times. Gallagher goes for another cover, but Dorado kicks out at two. Gallagher locks in an abdominal stretch, but Dorado counters and sends him to the floor. Dorado comes off the top and takes Gallagher down with a springboard cross-body. Dorado tosses Gallagher back into the ring and goes for the cover, but Gallagher kicks out at two. Dorado comes off the top and takes Gallagher down with another cross-body. Dorado delivers an enzuiguri and then a series of moonsaults, but Gallagher counters the third with his knees. Gallagher delivers a power bomb for a two count and then locks in a single-leg crab. Dorado counters with a monkey flip and then delivers a back elbow. Dorado delivers a superkick, but Gallagher comes off the ropes and delivers a headbutt.
Dorado comes back with the Golden Rewind and goes for the cover, but Gallagher kicks out at two. Gallagher comes back with jabs, but Dorado answers with some of his own. Gallagher quickly catches him with a roll-up and gets the pin fall.
Winner: Gentleman Jack Gallagher

Promos from Humberto Carrillo and Ariya Daivari air. Carrillo says he is in 205 Live to prove himself, and he doesn’t need Gulak and Gallagher’s help. Daivari says he has been held down for too long, but he will not be held down anymore.

We see Mike and Maria Kanellis backstage. Kanellis says he has fought for 16 years to get where he is, but he did not fight for 16 years to lose to people like The Brian Kendrick. Maria says all Mike needs is one match to prove himself, and when that match happens everyone will know they are speaking the truth.

Match #2 – No Disqualification Match: Noam Dar vs. Tony Nese
Dar immediately attacks Nese on the outside and then slams him into the barricade. Dar then slams Nese into the steps and then drapes Nese over the barricade. Dar delivers a flying clothesline that takes Nese to the floor. Dar slams Nese into the apron and then bends his fingers through the metal part of the turnbuckle. Nese comes back and slams Dar into the ring post. Nese sets a chair in the ring and then delivers a knee strike to Dar. Nese drapes Dar between the chair and the ropes and then delivers a springboard moonsault. Nese goes for the cover, but Dar kicks out at two. Dar fights back and takes Nese down to the mat with a dragon screw leg-whip. Dar kicks Nse to the mat again and goes up top. Nese tries to cut him off, but Dar stops him and delivers a Spanish Fly into the corner. Dar goes for the cover, but Nese kicks out at two.
Dar takes Nese to the floor and then slams him into multiple chairs. Dar tosses Nese back into the ring and goes for the cover, but Nese kicks out at two. Nese comes back and begins joint manipulation and then delivers a pump-handle slam onto a chair. Nese goes for the cover, but Dar kicks out at two. Dar and Nese exchange right hands and forearms and Nese goes for one more punch, but Dar blocks it with a chair. Dar traps Nese’s arm in the chair and locks in an arm-bar with the chair, but Nese counters with a roll-up for two. Dar charges at Nese, but Nese rolls to the outside. Dar follows him out and then leans a table against the barricade. Nese comes back and slams Dar into the steps and then delivers a palm strike to the jaw. Dar comes back with another arm-bar, but Nese picks him up and slams him on the steps.
Dar locks in the arm-bar again, but Nese counters and power slams him through the announce table. Nese tosses Dar back into the ring and goes for the cover, but Dar kicks out at two. Dar comes back and takes Nese’s knee out and then stomps on it from the top rope. Dar locks in an ankle lock, but Nese grabs a chair and hits Dar with it. Nese goes to the floor and Dar follows, but Nese hits him in the knee with the chair. Nese wraps the chair around Dar’s knee and stomps on it. Nese charges at Dar and then drives a knee into Dar’s head and sends him through the barricade into the timekeeper’s area. Nese tosses Dar back into the ring and gets the pin fall.
Winner: Tony Nese

We take a look back at Akira Tozawa winning the Fatal Four-Way Match last week to become the number one contender for the WWE Cruiserweight Championship. We then go backstage for the contract signing between Tozawa and Buddy Murphy. Murphy says before they get the contract signed, he offers Tozawa a chance to take a picture with him and the title since that is the closest Tozawa will get. Drake Maverick tells Murphy that is enough, but Murphy says he is not going to do anything stupid. Murphy says Tozawa is one of the guys he beat at the Royal Rumble, so why does Tozawa think he deserves another shot. Murphy says he is well on his way to becoming the greatest Cruiserwight of all time and no one can stop the unstoppable. Tozawa says Murphy thinks he is unstoppable, but so did the King of the Cruiserweights and he beat him and took the title. Tozawa says he will see Murphy on Sunday as the show comes to a close.

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