More details surrounding the Roman Reigns segment on Raw

Oct 27, 2018 - by Steve Gerweck

According to Dave Meltzer, not even Seth Rollins or Dean Ambrose were told about Reigns’ diagnosis. An hour before the show, the two Shield members, along with a few others, were told that Reigns was going to vacate the WWE Universal title to open the show but they weren’t told why. Reigns told Ambrose and Rollins to meet him after his promo was over, but they weren’t told what it would be about. Michael Cole was also told about the promo, but it’s unknown if he knew why the title would be vacated. It’s unknown if either Corey Graves or Renee Young knew beforehand.

Reigns was in a bus all day before the show, which is something that he asked for. Vince McMahon wasn’t at the show, but worked through the day to prepare people who had to know about Reigns’ condition without giving specifics. McMahon himself found out a week ago, on the Thursday before the weekend (October 18). Reigns missed the live events during the weekend.

Triple H ran Monday’s episode of RAW and McMahon was in constant contact with him. It’s also believed that Triple H, Kevin Dunn, talent relations’ Mark Carrano and writers Dave Kapoor and Ed Koskey knew what the promo would be about. Stephanie McMahon and Michael Hayes were not at the show. The creative team was told that Reigns was dropping the title and there would be changes. It was always the plan to turn Dean Ambrose heel, but it was moved to RAW after the announcement as officials believed it would be more effective.

(The Spotlight)

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