Hulk Hogan and Brutus Beefcake patch things up (updated)

Sep 1, 2018 - by Colin Vassallo

It looks like Hulk Hogan and Brutus “The Barber” Beefcake have buried the hatchet and are back on speaking terms after Hulk Hogan posted a photo of the two together.

Back in October of last year, Beefcake sent a tweet where he said that he was working on his biography book and took a dig at Hogan by writing, “Hold onto your bandana Brother it’s about to get real!”

The two were best of friends for several years but had a big falling out years ago. Hogan replied to Beefcake’s tweet by telling him that his bandana was glued on tight and to get a good lawyer.

Yesterday, Hulk posted a photo of the two at a bar writing, “Great hanging out with Brutus again, good to see that ‘all is well’ my brother.”

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