Jeff Jarrett and Global Force Entertainment files a second motion against Anthem

Aug 27, 2018 - by Steve Gerweck

Jarrett and GFE filed a motion to expedite discovery regarding the master copies of GFW Amped.

Jarrett is looking to file copyrights on the content and needs the copies to do so. Jarrett’s original case argued that his and GFE’s copyrights were violated when Anthem monetized GFE content on pay-per-view, streaming services, and DVDs without consent. Anthem pulled GFW DVDs from the Impact Wrestling website and removed footage from YouTube following news of the lawsuit.

Anthem acquired the master copies during the merger that wasn’t with Jarrett. The two sides (GFE and Anthem) agreed to come together for the greater good of Impact Wrestling, but the agreement fell apart when Jarrett was released from his position. Anthem still used the GFW Amped footage, which Jarrett argues they had no right to do as the merger was never officially completed.

According to the latest motion, Anthem has not responded to the original Aug. 10 lawsuit requesting “voluntarily produce the masters of the episodes for inspection and copying.” Court records do not indicate Anthem has been officially served with the lawsuit. No response from Anthem has been filed before the court.

This motion is asking the court to order Anthem to produce the master copies within five days.


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