Mark Henry on MSG: “there are also some things that are not so special about it”
“There are some things that make it special; but, there are also some things that are not so special about it. So, George “The Animal” Steele was standing by a monitor in the back… I was like, ‘Mr. Steele, you want me to get you a chair?’ He was like, ‘Nah nah.’ I said, ‘No no, I’m gonna get you a chair. You don’t need to stand up.’ So I go get these two chairs, two folding chairs. I walk down the hallway and the guy’s like, ‘Woah woah, you gotta stop!’ I was like, ‘Man are you serious?’ He was like, ‘You can’t carry those. You gotta give me that. I’ll get fired.’ I was like, ‘What?’ He was like, ‘No no, you’re not allowed to move furniture in this building. That’s our job. We have to do that. I’ll have to go get somebody. That’s what they do.’ I was like, ‘Get the hell out of here. He’s 50 feet that way.’ The guy stood in front of me with his arms out. He said, ‘Sir, no no.’ He would not let me move those damn folding chairs. Jimmy Korderas came out. He used to put the ring up. He was saying how it was the same thing. They had a guy that came in and put the metal structure up. Then they had to call a group of people to do the carpentry. They would put the boards and carpet on. Then they had to call somebody else to put the ropes on. It takes all day to put together the Garden to do a show because of the union and it sucks.”
source: Chris Jericho’s Talk is Jericho podcast