Linda Hogan claims Hulk is hiding assets
Hulk Hogan’s ex-wife, Linda Bollea, claims Hogan is hiding assets from companies he’s currently involved in and is demanding he pay 40% of his earnings or be held in contempt of court.
The couple divorced in 2007 due to allegations of multiple affairs on Hulk Hogan’s part. In the divorce, Linda was due 70% of their liquid assets along with proprieties worth $3 million back in 2009. Along with that she was due an ongoing 40% from any of Hogan’s businesses.
According to Linda, Hogan has money coming in from seven different companies and claimed he, “began a scheme and shell game to conceal and tie up the parties’ assets and income.” With this new legal filing she’s looking for what she’s owed from July 2013 and on. If he doesn’t comply, she’s looking for her ex-husband to be held in contempt of court for not following their original divorce agreement.
Linda’s lawyer, Raymond Rafool of Miami, Florida gave Daily Mail the following statement:
“It is indeed a shame that Hulk Hogan once again will not honor the divorce agreement he made with Ms. Bollea,” Rafool said. “Linda fulfilled and fulfills her obligations and exchanged assets and rights in return for Hulk’s compliance. Hulk Hogan’s breaches are wrong and unjust. He needs to do as he agreed and pay Linda what she is owed.”
As noted, talks between Hogan and WWE have been heating up lately and it looks like he may return to the company in some capacity down the road. Earlier this month in an interview with Chris Van Vliet, Hogan said talks to return were moving quickly.
“Things are moving in that direction quite quickly. It’s all about execution and timing and the right place and the right time but things are good.”
(Pro Wrestling & MMA World)