Former WWE Tough Enough Winner Matt Cappotelli Passes Away at 38
Former WWE Tough Enough winner Matt Cappotelli passed away today at the age of 38.
Cappotelli was diagnosed with a brain tumor back in 2005 but he beat that in 2007. He was then diagnosed with a Grade 4 glioblastoma tumor in 2017, the deadliest form of brain cancer. Doctors removed 90% of the mass on his skull and the rest was being treated with chemotherapy but it was considered terminal as it was too close to the brain stem to touch.
Matt’s wife Lindsay wrote the following in a Facebook post today:
“Hey Team Capp…I’ve been struggling with what to say and how to say this, and I’ll probably end up rambling, but here goes. Today my love-my strong, sweet, beautiful love-took his last breath at 3:30 a.m. and went Home to be with Jesus…exactly one year after his brain surgery. You think you can be prepared for this when you know it’s coming, but you just can’t. The only person who’s comfort I want right now is the one who can’t give it to me. I miss him so much. I know where he is now is so much better, but it doesn’t change how much I miss him.”
Below are some videos from Matt’s WWE career:
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