Jury in Amann/Punk/Cabana trial go through whole explosive podcast

May 30, 2018 - by Colin Vassallo

Journalist Gregory Pratt of the Chicago Tribune newspaper happened to be at the Cook County courthouse yesterday when the Chris Amann vs CM Punk and Colt Cabana libel lawsuit kicked off and tweeted some interesting information from the first sitting.

The jury members listened through the whole podcast, which is the basis of this lawsuit, where Punk rips WWE doctor Chris Amann a new one for several issues, including misdiagnosis and other shortcomings when he treated him while he was a WWE Superstar. The podcast aired in late 2014 and Amann filed the lawsuit a few months later.

Pratt, who was alone in the gallery during day one of the trial, said that CM Punk was “visibly amused” at things the two of them said during the podcast especially Cabana dissing the listeners who might call on his next show asking harsh questions. Pratt described Punk as mostly serious and attentive during the trial and looked “good and fit” ahead of his second UFC fight next week.

Dr. Amann was testifying yesterday and was scheduled to continue his testimony today.

There is little-to-no information coming from within the court room as none of the major newspaper reporters are covering the lawsuit.

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