Graham on Reigns: “This man will spend his entire WWE career never being fully accepted by the WWE fans”
“Superstar” Billy Graham via Facebook:
Never Say Never
Except when you are talking about Roman Reigns.
This man will spend his entire WWE career never being fully accepted by the WWE fans. Some will of course accept him but most wont. I cant quite put my finger on it. Most of the time he has a blank stare on his face. Everyone ( except Paul Heyman ) must try and give a promo straight from a script. But I believe even without a script he would still not get over. He just doesn’t have the ” It ” factor and never will. Even blood didn’t help his cause against Lesnar. Getting juice was designed to get sympathy for the Baby Face. No one felt bad for Reigns when he got his head busted open by Lesnar at # 34. I have absolutely nothing more to say about this man, professionally
speaking of course. BUT… Tomorrow night I promise
to deliver an intelligent, in-depth analysis of Ronda
Rousey and her performance in the tag match, which
everyone is raving about. Catch you tomorrow evening.
Superstar B. G.