Nevaeh: “it’s ok to struggle”

Former Shimmer tag team champion Nevaeh posted the following on her Social Media:
LOoooOng Post:
People say there are no excuses when you want something enough. I disagree. I am extremely unhappy with my body. (I don’t need to be told I look good, not the point of this post.) I have a husband who tells me literally every day how beautiful I am. The last 2 1/2 years have been nothing but legitimate excuses and some of the hardest of my life. I’ve always been fairly fit and I’ve been chasing this dream for all of my adult life. For me being in the gym and fit comes with the territory, it’s what makes Nevaeh feel ready and prepared when she steps in the ring. I injured my knee, not surgery, just time off to heal. Super lucky. Made my return only to find out a month later I was pregnant. Wrestling on hold again. I was immediately high risk… so working out on hold for the entire pregnancy. I had surgery to deliver my baby. So more down time. I also had to get a job to make up for the loss of my wrestling income. I worked 12 hour days, so no, I didn’t want to be in the gym. Seeing my baby was 100% more important than getting fit again. Wasn’t sure if I would be able to pursue my dream again either at that point. Finally made a return as I was lucky enough to have fellow wrestlers (one in particular) help with having to take a baby on the road and then promoters who were ok with letting me bring an infant into the locker room. (For that I am grateful and continue to be grateful) A few short months after my first match back, my father was diagnosed with pancreatic and liver cancer. I felt my world crumbling. 52 days later I lost such a huge chunk of my heart. Getting fit was the furthest form my mind. I still struggle daily with this loss and I know I always will. When you lose someone or something so impactful in every aspect of your life, it’s expected. Started to get back in the swing of things, was just starting to get hot again. (As far as my wrestling schedule) Finally, it was time to get my body back to what I loved and I bought a gym membership July 2. I blew my knee out July 9th. I have yet to have a day where I have not been in pain. (Not including your every day aches and pains of life as a wrestler, or just life 😂)The struggle is real. I was finally able to get back to the gym, I am however still limited as I have to be smart. Not looking to do anything to jeopardize my health. So the point… there ARE excuses, and there ARE set backs, be kind to yourself. Understand that life is so different for people. We all struggle, some silently, some vocally. I am vocal, helps me push through it. I will get back to how I want to look, make no mistake. I will continue to chase my dream until I can no longer. So if you are down on yourself, I really hope that it starts to get better for you and you have people to help you along when you need it most. I am finally seeing a light at the end of a tunnel. This isn’t meant to be motivational post, it’s just meant to let you in a little and let you know that it’s ok to struggle, it’s ok to be off your game, life happens and things are out of your control. So again, be kind to yourself. If you hung in here through this long ass post… 😘😘 thank you!!!