Austin takes issue with backstage segments in WWE
“One of my big pet peeves is when the announcer backstage, whether it is male or female, talking to the talent, asks the talent a question, talent gives the answer, if there’s an interrupt, there’s an interrupt, but the talent gives their answer, and it’s an awkward feeling, and then, all-of-a-sudden, it’s back to Michael Cole and the guys at the announce desk. And the camera stays on the interviewer who got this awkward answer. You want there to be some heat there, and all-of-a-sudden, it’s an awkward reaction to the person that’s a part of the broadcast team. I think whether it’s a male or a female, they should throw it back to the announce team because I don’t think heat, the point, or anything goes anywhere because I’m so focused on that weird look that the interviewer has on her face!”
source: The Steve Austin Show