Video: Booker T and Corey Graves reveal that their bad blood was all…a work!
There’s no bad blood between Booker T and Corey Graves. None. It was all a work and they went old school on everybody!
“A lot of people don’t know how hard I was smiling when they told me I was moving back to my old position,” Booker T explained in his latest podcast episode as he laughed.
“I’m one of those people, I saw you walking in the locker room grinning from ear to ear…what are you so happy about?!” said Corey Graves, who was invited by Booker T to join the show to “clear the air” between the two.
The original story was that Booker was mad about Corey Graves and blamed him for not being on Monday Night Raw anymore. He said that if he saw Corey outside in the street, he would hurt him, and the story made the round for a few weeks.
Graves said that when he found out he’s being blamed by Booker, he decided to have some extra fun with it cause he was sure that Booker was working everyone. Booker brought up the fact that USA Today, Forbes, Sports Illustrated, and many others picked up the story about Booker and Graves fighting and Graves wondered why nobody bothered to call.
“So I talked to Cole on Monday, and he said, ‘This thing with you and Book, it’s cool?’ And I said, ‘You know Book, we’re just goofing around!’” When Cole asked him what’s the end game or what they’re trying to accomplish, Graves replied, “We’re not trying to accomplish anything! We’re just having fun! We’re just messing with each other like we do everyday!”
You can see the video of the segment below.
Corey v Booker T talk.
Are you surprised?
— Rachereen Dream. (@Its0nlyRachel) February 11, 2018