Shane Helms talks about Aro Lucha
“This is something I tried to do with a company called Lucha Libre USA in 2011 right when I left WWE, I tried to combine that really flashy Lucha style with the old-school psychology of the American wrestling. That’s the strength of both; it’s the psychology in American wrestling, and Lucha’s style is athleticism. That’s something Aro Lucha has been real focused on, building a hybrid. Doing that is what made Rey Mysterio one of the best there is. He had the Lucha style, then he added the American psychology. Rey went from being a regular luchador to one of the best in the world, and he is the prime example of how it can work when done properly. I can’t say that about myself; I was never classified as a lucha, but I was always trying to maintain that old-school psychology but also flash it up when necessary.”