1/16/18 WWE 205 Recap: TJP vs. Metalik; Goldust vs. The Zo Train

Jan 16, 2018 - by Michael Riba

We see the 205 Live opening video and then go into the arena where Nigel McGuinness and Vic Joseph welcome us to the show. We see that Goldust will interview Cedric Alexander about Alexander’s “Golden Opportunity” later tonight.

Match #1 – Singles Match: TJP vs. Gran Metalik
TJP drops Metalik immediately and goes for the cover, but Metalik kicks out quickly. TJP sends Metalik into the corner and then delivers an uppercut. Metalik comes back with elbow strikes and drops TJP with an arm drag. Metalik follows up with another arm drag and then a slap across the chest as we see Kalisto watching on from backstage. Metalik sends TJP to the floor and then takes him down with a springboard moonsault. Metalik sends TJP back into the ring, but TJP takes advantage and knocks Metalik down on the top rope. TJP charges, but Metalik moves and TJP slides into the ring post. Metalik delivers a cross-body and then a bulldog. Metalik delivers a dropkick and then goes up top. Metalik delivers an elbow drop and goes for the cover, but TJP kicks out at two. Metalik goes for the Metalik Driver, but TJP fights out with a thumb to the eye. TJP delivers a springboard forearm and picks Metalik up, but Metalik rolls through the gets the pin fall.
Winner: Gran Metalik.

We see the Gentleman Jack Gallagher’s plan to handle Hideo Itami will be revealed after the break.

We see TJP walking backstage, angry about his defeat. Dasha Fuentes walks up and asks him if he is crying. He says no and walks away.

We take a look back at last week and the confrontation between Gentleman Jack Gallagher and Hideo Itami. We see a prerecorded segment with Gallagher. He says he has been tortured by the sound of The Brian Kendrick’s skull cracking and his underestimation of Hideo Itami. Gallagher says Kendrick’s teachings live on with him and Itami will rue the day that he decided to come to 205 Live.

We see that Goldust’s interview with Cedric Alexander is up next.

Goldust and Cedric Alexander just get the interview started when Enzo Amore’s music hits and he and The Zo Train interrupt. Amore asks them is they think they are funny, and Goldust asks him what he means. Goldust calls Amore a clown and Amore says Goldust isn’t even under 205 pounds and needs to shut his mouth. Goldust tells him to come to the ring and make him. Amore, Tony Nese, Ariya Daivari, and Drew Gulak come to ringside, but then Amore backs off. Amore says they have to get through the Zo Train before they get to him. Goldust tells them to bring it on.

Match #2 – 3-on-1 Handicap Match: Ariya Daivari, Drew Gulak, and Tony Nese (w/Enzo Amore) vs. Goldust (w/Cedric Alexander)
Goldust takes Gulak down with a hip attack and Daivari tags in. Goldust drops Daivari with an atomic drop, and then a reverse atomic drop. Goldust delivers a series of right hands in the corner and then knocks Gulak to the floor. Daivari takes Goldust down from behind and tags in Nese. Nese stomps away on Goldust and tags in Gulak. Gulak holds Goldust as Daivari tags in and stomps away. Nese tags in and he and Daivari argue a bit. Goldust gets a two count, but Nese takes him down with a shoulder tackle. Nese applies a neck-wrench submission down on the mat and then slams him into the corner. Goldust comes back with a spine-buster and Gulak tags in. Goldust drops Gulak with a few clotheslines and then delivers an uppercut. Goldust takes Gulak down with a power slam, but Daivari breaks up the pin attempt. Nese gets in and sends Goldust to the floor. Nese goes for a suicide dive, but Goldust moves and Nese hits Daivari. Alexander takes Amore out with a suicide dive and Goldust drops Gulak with the Final Cut and gets the pin fall.
Winner: Goldust.

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