Al Snow tells an Owen Hart story
“There’s a story, the best example of that was Owen Hart and Owen was such a cutup and it was Owen and Yokozuna working with Davey Boy Smith and Lex Luger. And Lex had made some smart ass remark to Owen about being a big star or something like that, so Owen taught him a lesson. So whenever Davey would get in the ring, Davey would hip toss him and Owen would just go flying. Davey’d tag right out and Owen caught a hip toss from Lex and he would just go over like a ton of s–t. And it finally got to the point where Lex Luger is over there hot. And he comes in and he’s shaking. You don’t bump a guy. The guy takes the bumps for you. He can make you look like a million bucks or he can make you look like a tub of s–t. Yeah, Luger thought he could get over on his own and that basically it was all him and Owen was like, ‘Nope, I’m going to show you it’s not’ and he went out of his way to teach him.”
source: The Steve Austin Show