Dreamer on Heyman: “I forgave him for everything”

Dec 27, 2017 - by Steve Gerweck

Tommy Dreamer reveals he forgave Paul Heyman for ECW shutting down:

“I forgave him and I told him this. I forgave him for everything. I lost a lot of money. I lost my parents money and when he did his interview on Monday Night RAW for when he was like the general manager and cut a promo on Vince McMahon and he said… I lied. I did everything I could to keep my company afloat just like you would, Vince and he cut this really, really great promo. When real promos aren’t scripted, they are direct from the heart and have meaning and I remember there sitting there watching it and at first crying and then I was like I get it… and especially I get it owning my own wrestling company now.”

source: nodq.com

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