Earl Hebner wants another shot in WWE

Dec 7, 2017 - by Colin Vassallo

photo credit: Impact Wrestling

Former Impact Wrestling referee Earl Hebner told Sports Illustrated that he would love to go back to WWE and finish his career where he started.

Hebner spent 17 long years with the company but was fired in 2005 after he was caught selling WWE merchandise without permission from a shop in St. Louis he co-owned.

“Vince McMahon was always good to me, and he gave me the opportunity to be who I am and what I am. I would love to go back and, if nothing else, do one more match to say thank you very much for what you’ve done for me,” Hebner said.

The referee, who has an identical twin Dave who was also a referee, was the one involved in the Montreal Screwjob, ringing the bell to end the match that changed professional wrestling forever. His son Brian also refereed for WWE before both went to Impact Wrestling.

Hebner added that he left Impact Wrestling as he got pay cut after pay cut and it wasn’t worth it anymore to work for them. He was inducted into the TNA Hall of Fame in 2015 after 11 years with the company.

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