Dolph Ziggler: “I feel alot of my cries are falling on deaf ears”
Dolph Ziggler on the Edge and Christian podcast talks about NOT resigning with WWE once his contract is up in a few months. He also claims he’s WWE’s “Gatekeeper”
“I feel alot of my cries are falling on deaf ears to have a change. 2 years ago when my contract was up I told them I was “out”. But they convinced me to sign a new deal. After they told me to stay and help out.
I mean I love WWE. They treat me well and pay me well. I travel around the world and its great.
Its great at live events. I get the time and do whatever hell I want and tear the house down.
But something is telling me again when this contract is up that I need to go away. I hate that I might have to go away but I have to.
Like I said two years ago I told them I have to get the hell out here. Maybe take 3 to 6 months off. Just to at least have them forget I lose 99 out of 100 matches.I don’t need to win a binch. I just need them to forget.
I have a very short amount of time now to figure out if I want to leave or if I have something to reach for. Having fun ass matches on weekends or specific prize on TV which right now doesn’t seem I can obtain.
It’s cool to be patted on the back and say “Your our Shawn Michaels. You’re so good at this. We can’t do this without you.” Then watch other guys just pass you on by and coast.
They’re are no feelings hurt. I know its show business. I love it. But in a short time I have to decide if I want to go away and do my own thing or find a different role here.
Gatekeeper is a great spot for someone who hasn’t been a world champion. Who doesn’t excel at the 7 out of possible 8 things you can do as a sports entertainer.
Its just really weird that I can’t get more. But trust me I’m knocking on the door everyday and demanding it.
But we’ll find out in a short while. I’d love to stay in WWE and keep doing this. Just at a different level. I just need to know if the company is on my side.”
(The Spotlight)