WWE 205 Live Recap – 11/14/17 – Alexander/Swann vs. Kendrick/Gallagher, Ali/Daivari; Kalisto/Gulak Main Event

Nov 14, 2017 - by Michael Riba

We see the 205 Live opening video and then go immediately into a vignette with Kalisto. Kalisto says today is his birthday and he is going to celebrate by beating Drew Gulak tonight and the celebration will continue all the way to Sunday when he defeats Enzo Amore to win the WWE Cruiserweight Championship. We see Gulak and Amore backstage. They have a birthday cake for Kalisto and Amore says the Zo Show will come to an end on Sunday if he loses the title. Amore says he needs the Gulak who is ready to do whatever it takes to take Kalisto out tonight and they need to make this a birthday that Kalisto will never forget.

We go into the arena where Vic Joseph and Nigel McGuinness welcome us to the show.

Match #1: Tornado Tag Team Match – The Brian Kendrick and Gentleman Jack Gallagher vs. Rich Swann and Cedric Alexander
All four men battle to the floor and Alexander takes advantage of Kendrick and delivers a few right hands. Gallagher comes back and dropkicks Alexander over the announce table and then he and Kendrick double-team Swann. Gallagher and Kendrick slam Swann down onto the ring apron and then Kendrick tosses him back into the ring. Kendrick goes for the cover, but Swann kicks out at two. Gallagher kicks Swann in the head and then they send Alexander back down to the floor. Swann tries to fight back, but Kendrick and Gallagher keep the advantage.
Kendrick and Gallagher beat Swann down in the corner and Kendrick goes for another cover, but Swann kicks out again. Gallagher sends Swann to the outside as Alexander gets back into the ring. Alexander kicks Gallagher in the midsection and then sends Kendrick to the floor with a dropkick. Alexander delivers an uppercut to Gallagher and then drops him with a Spanish Fly. Alexander goes for the cover, but Kendrick breaks it up. Alexander kicks Kendrick in the face and then takes Gallagher down with a springboard clothesline and Gallagher connects with the headbutt at the same time.
Kendrick goes for the cover on Alexander, but he kicks out at two. Kendrick applies the Captain’s Hook to Alexander and Gallagher applies the arm-bar on Swann as he gets back into the ring. Kendrick lets go of Alexander and applies the Captain’s Hook to Swann as Gallagher still has the arm-bar applied. Alexander breaks up the holds and delivers right hands to Kendrick. Kendrick backs Alexander into the corner and Gallagher connects with a dropkick. Kendrick takes Alexander down with Sliced Bread, but Swann breaks the cover up. Kendrick and Gallagher double-team Swann again and back him into the corner. Swann comes back with a right hand to Kendrick and a kick to Gallagher.
Swann takes both men down with a double scissor kick and goes for a cover on each, but they both kick out. Swann goes up top, but Kendrick cuts him off. Kendrick climbs as well, but Alexander cuts him off. Alexander lifts Kendrick on his shoulders, but Kendrick counters and sends Alexander to the floor. Gallagher gets back into the ring and he and Kendrick slam Swann down to the mat. Kendrick goes for the cover, but Swann kicks out at two again. Alexander pulls Gallagher to the floor and slams him into the barricade. Alexander kicks Kendrick in the back of the head and takes him down with a springboard clothesline. Alexander goes for the Lumbar Check, but Kendrick counters and delivers a superkick. Kendrick goes for the Captain’s Hook, but Alexander counters with an elbow.
Gallagher gets back into the ring and kicks Alexander in the knee, but Swann delivers a superkick to Gallagher. Swann takes Gallagher down with a tornado DDT on the outside and Alexander drops Kendrick with the Lumbar Check and gets the pin fall.
Winners: Cedric Alexander and Rich Swann.

We see another shot of Kalisto’s birthday cake that Enzo Amore bought for him as we head to a break.

Back from the break, Ariya Daivari says tonight might be the last episode of the 205 Live. He says he is not saying 205 Live will be cancelled if Kalisto wins on Sunday, but it might as well be. Daivari says there is no value in Kalisto being an honorable champion, but there is value in straight cash from Amore going into bank accounts. Mustafa Ali interrupts. He says the people can’t understand Daivari because his face is so far up Amore’s rear end. Ali says they are all Cruiserweights and says they all want to help 205 Live rech its full potential and then tells Daivari that he looks stupid.

Match #2: Singles Match – Ariya Daivari vs. Mustafa Ali
Ali takes control immediately with a kick that sends Daivari to the outside. Daivari comes back in, but Ali keeps the advantage. Ali takes Daivari down with a cross-body and goes for the cover, but Daivari kicks out at two. Daivari comes back with a back elbow and then shoves Ali down to the floor. Daivari brings Ali back into the ring and stomps away on him. Ali fights back, but Daivari takes him down with a bulldog. Daivari goes for the cover, but Ali kicks out at two. Daivari applies a straitjacket submission down on the mat, but Ali fights to his feet. Ali rolls Daivari up, but Daivari kicks out at two.
Ali comes off the ropes, but Daivari takes him down with a spinebuster. Daivari goes for the cover, but Ali kicks out at two. Daivari goes up top and goes for a springboard elbow, but Ali rolls out of the way. Ali gets back to his feet and drops Daivari with a dropkick and then nips up. Ali kicks Daivari in the face and drops him with a tornado DDT. Ali goes for the cover, but Daivari kicks out at two. Ali goes for a suplex, but Daivari counters and drops Ali with a modified neck-breaker. Daivari delivers the Persian Lion Splash and goes for the cover, but Ali kicks out at two. Daivari picks up Ali, but Ali counters and takes Daivari down. Ali connects with the inverted 450 splash and gets the pin fall.
Winner: Mustafa Ali.

Enzo Amore and Drew Gulak make their way to the ring. Amore says it’s a special day because it’s Kalisto’s birthday. Amore says he went out of his way to make Kalisto feel special. Amore says they got Kalisto everything except presents. Amore says the best gift they could ever give Kalisto is a beat down at the hands of Gulak.

Match #3: Singles Match – Drew Gulak (w/Enzo Amore) vs. Kalisto
Gulak takes Kalisto down and slaps him in the back of the head a few times. Kalisto floats over and applies a front face-lock. Gulak comes back and slams Kalisto down to the mat. Gulak chops Kalisto, but Kalisto comes back with a head scissors take down. Kalisto delivers a ‘Listo Kick that sends Gulak to the floor. Amore taunts Gulak on the floor and Gulak takes advantage again. Gulak goes to slam Kalisto into the birthday cake at ringside, but Kalisto escapes. Gulak keeps the advantage and tosses Kalisto back into the ring. Gulak stomps down onto Kalisto and then applies a rear chin-lock. Gulak delivers a head-butt and goes for the cover, but Kalisto quickly kicks out.
Gulak slams Kalisto down to the mat again and goes for the cover, but Kalisto kicks out at two. Kalisto comes back with a few kicks to Gulak’s head, but Gulak counters and takes Kalisto down again. Gulak stomps away on Kalisto and then slams him into the turnbuckles. Gulak goes for the cover, but Kalisto kicks out again. Gulak takes Kalisto to the floor and tries to slam him into the cake again, but Kalisto holds onto the ring post. Gulak slams Kalisto into the ring apron and then tosses him back into the ring. Gulak applies a surfboard submission in the ring, but Kalisto gets free.
Kalisto kicks Gulak in the face and then drops him with a corkscrew plancha. Gulak comes right back with a hard clothesline and then goes to the bottom rope. Kalisto cuts him off and takes him down with a basement hurricanrana. Kalisto goes for the cover, but Gulak kicks out. Gulak rolls to the floor, but Kalisto delivers a suicide dive. Amore gets invovled and slams Kalisto into the ring apron as the referee was checking on Gulak back in the ring. Gulak begins singing “Happy Birthday” to Kalisto in the ring, but Kalisto counters him and delivers the Solida Del Sol and gets the pin fall.
Winner: Kalisto.
After the match, Amore gets into the ring and beats down Kalisto. Amore tosses Kalisto to the floor and he and Gulak go to the outside as well. Gulak grabs Kalisto, but Kalisto shoves Gulak into the barricade and takes Amore down with an enzuiguri. Kalisto grabs Amore and goes to slam him into the cake table, but Gulak takes Kalisto down from behind. Gulak grabs Kalisto and goes for a power bomb through the table, but Kalisto gets free and takes him down with a kick to the face. Amore escapes up the ramp and Kalisto chases after him.

We go backstage and Dasha Fuentes is with Enzo. Amore says Kalisto just had the luckiest birthday ever and Amore is with the birthday cake. Kalisto attacks him from behind and shoves him into the cake. Kalisto throws the cake down onto Amore and kicks him in the face. Kalisto walks away and leaves Amore lying as 205 Live comes to a close.

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