Former WWE Tag Team Champion And Best Friend Of Brad Armstrong Shares Thoughts On The Fifth Year Of His Passing
by Chris Featherstone
This week, many wrestling stars tweeted their thoughts on remembering former WCW Light Heavyweight Champion Brad Armstrong. I also had the pleasure this week to interview former WWE Tag Team Champion Dr. Tom Prichard, and he shared his thoughts on this week being the fifth year of Armstrong’s passing.
“[November 1st] marks five years since Brad Armstrong passed away. He was my very, very best friend. So… this is a bitter sweet night. This was the last night, five years ago, that he took his daughter trick-or-treating and then never woke up. I called him the next morning and got his wife.
“So, this is one of those things that will always stay with me for the rest of my life because he was the only guy in the business I could trust completely and we had a lot of similar experiences.
“I just want everybody to know this is the fifth year that Brad Armstrong passed away… The greatest thing about Brad was that he could work with anybody. If you couldn’t have a great match with Brad Armstrong, you didn’t belong in this business. I’ve seen him take cow manure and make it look like a star. Guys who had no business being in the ring, he made them look like stars.
“So, it was a loss in the business, but it was an even bigger loss in my life. He was a guy I could just call up and say, ‘Hey Brad. I’ve got [something] to say and no way to say it. I just need to talk and get this off my chest.’ And he always listened and always made me laugh. He’s sorely missed.”
Full interview here
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