OVW running a fundraiser for Matt Cappotelli on September 23rd
Ohio Valley Wrestling is holding a fundraiser for Matt Cappotelli on September 23rd as he’s battling brain cancer for a second time.
— Rip Rogers (@Hustler2754) September 12, 2017
Benefit show for Matt Cappotelli-sat sept 23 OVW Davis Arena 7:30 pm pic.twitter.com/1sor5YeqxZ
— Rip Rogers (@Hustler2754) September 10, 2017
Cappotelli update via his Facebook:
Talked to my friend Chris Nowinski a few days ago about the research he’s a part of at the COncussion Legacy Foundation in Boston. I’m sure most of you are familiar with the headlines that came out not that long ago regarding 110 out of 111 former NFL players that tested positive for CTE due to repetitive head trauma and concussions over the years. So, obviously, all of these player’s brains had been donated after their death for study.
I’ve had my fair share of concussions through football and wrestling, and it, ironically, got me to thinking. How cool would it be for CLF to study a living person’s brain tissue within their research? I’m pretty sure that’s not something they do everyday, if ever. I’m fairly certain there’s not a waiting list of living people waiting to donate brain tissue samples to be studied while they’re still alive – and if there is, I’m not so sure those individuals would be ideal candidates!
By the end of our conversation,
I told Chris I wanted to donate the brain tissue that was removed during my brain surgery several weeks ago in case it would be of any benefit to their research. He thought It was a great idea and wanted to propose it to his team.
Over the last several weeks we’ve been putting the pieces together and finally all is where it needs to be. The Concussion Legacy Foundation has received my tissue samples and will be researching them. Research can take a few months he said, I will update everyone as soon as I get some feedback. Let’s hope that this research yields some valuable results that can be used to help others.