Eddie Kingston says he dropped 60 pounds when he stopped using steroids
“234. Yeah, bro. You remember me at 290. Yeah, back in the day. Go to Japan, and before you go to Japan, get on the gas, and lose the weight. Like we don’t know this, that guys (take performance enhancing drugs)? That’s what it is, Subway sandwiches? That’s what we’re going to call the gas on that one, Subway sandwiches? Every time I stuck the needle in my ass and did it, I just said, ‘I got to go to the gym. Otherwise, it’s a waste of money.’ This was what, like 2011? And I was like, ‘I don’t want to embarrass myself in Japan,’ so I just did it and that was it. That was the only time I did it, was right before I went. The last day I was on it, I got into an actual fight with my cousin. No, no, I guess you could call it ‘roid rage,’ I don’t know, but I’m an angry person anyways, but it was heightened and I was outside my cousin’s house with a baseball bat and breaking in his car windows. And I was like, ‘Ahhh!’ I did it anyway and I was like, ‘Maybe I shouldn’t do this again.'”
source: The Art of Wrestling