WWE SummerSlam Recap
SummerSlam Kickoff:
The SummerSlam Kickoff show kicks off with Renee Young, Jerry Lawler, Lita, and David Otunga welcoming us to the show. Charly Caruso is in the Social Media Lounge and she says she will be joined by Dean Ambrose and Seth Rollins later on tonight.
The panel hypes the WWE Network, and then we take a look back to Smackdown Live on Tuesday when Baron Corbin failed on his Money in the Bank cash-in against WWE Champion Jinder Mahal. Dasha Fuentes interviews Corbin backstage. He says he is not the champion because of John Cena. Corbin says he doesn’t regret cashing in, but Cena will regret costing him the match. Renee reminds us of one of the kickoff matches, The New Day vs. The Usos for the WWE Smackdown Tag Team Championship, as we head to a break.
Back from the break, we see the video hype package for the match between Finn Balor and Bray Wyatt. Otunga says he is really looking forward to this match and it will be awesome. Lita says Wyatt is intimidating, but there is nothing more insurmountable than the Demon that Finn Balor will bring tonight. Lawler says Wyatt’s sole purpose is to make people fear him, but Balor doesn’t fear anybody. Lawler, Lita, and Otunga all pick Balor to win. Renee brings up another Kickoff Show match, The Hardy Boyz and Jason Jordan vs. The Miztourage, as we head to a break.
Back from the break, we see the video hype package for the match between AJ Styles and Kevin Owens. We join Dasha and Shane McMahon backstage. McMahon says he is going to call it down the middle, but if something happens he will take matters into his own hands. Back at the panel, Lita says she believes McMahon will call it down the middle and Otunga agrees. Lawler says McMahon will end up being a big part of the outcome of the match. Lita says she wants Styles to win and Otunga picks Styles as well, while Lawler picks Owens.
Six-Man Tag Team Match: Jason Jordan and The Hardy Boyz (Matt and Jeff) vs. The Miztourage (The Miz, Bo Dallas, and Curtis Axel) (w/Maryse)
Matt and Axel start the match. They lock up and Matt applies a side-headlock. Axel backs him into the corner, but Matt connects with a right and applied another headlock. Jeff tags in and he and Matt double-team Axel for a bit. Jeff connects with Poetry in Motion to Axel and then delivers a dropkick to the back. Jeff goes for the cover, but Axel kicks out quickly. Jordan tags in and applies an arm wringer to Axel, but Axel comes back and takes Jordan down with a few knee shots. Dallas tags in and connects with a shot to the midsection. Dallas takes Jordan to the corner, but Jordan comes back with forearm shots and then takes Dallas down with a dropkick. Jordan goes for the cover, but Dallas kicks out at two.
Jordan keeps Dallas grounded and then applies a wrist-lock and tags in Matt. Matt comes off the ropes and delivers an elbow to Dallas. Jeff and then Jordan tag in quickly and Miz and Axel get into the ring as well. Matt and Jeff send Miz and Axel to the floor and Jordan slams Dallas to the mat. Jeff tags in and goes up top, but Axel pulls Dallas out of the ring as we head to a break.
Back from the break, Jeff is in control of Dallas. Jeff connects with a double leg-drop and goes for the cover, but Dallas kicks out. Dallas comes back and takes Jeff to the corner. Jeff fights out and goes up top, but Axel pulls him down. Miz tags in and stomps away on Jeff. Miz kicks Jeff in the face and goes for the cover, but Jeff kicks out at two. Miz applies a rear chin-lock, but Jeff fights to his feet. Miz grounds him again and tags in Axel. Axel takes Jeff down to the mat and applies a rear chin-lock of his own. Jeff fights to his feet again, but Axel slams him right back down. Axel slings Jeff into the corner, but Jeff takes out Miz and Dallas. Jeff connects with an inverted enzuiguri and tags in Matt as Miz tags in as well.
Matt slams Miz into the turnbuckle repeatedly and then connects with a clothesline. Matt takes out Dallas and Axel as well and then clubs Miz from the top rope. Matt goes for the cover, but Miz kicks out at two. Matt goes for the Twist of Fate, but Miz counters and delivers a DDT. Miz goes for the cover, but Matt kicks out at two. Miz delivers the It Kicks to Matt, but Matt dodges the last one and drops Miz with the Side Effect. Matt goes for the cover, but Miz kicks out at two. Jordan tags in, as does Axel. Jordan pulls Axel into the ring and drops him with a few elbow shots. Jordan slams Axel into the corner and then delivers a suplex to Dallas. Jordan spears both of them in the corner and then suplexes Axel. Jordan goes for the cover, but Miz breaks it up.
Matt tosses Miz to the floor and Dallas takes Matt out with a neck-breaker. Jeff drops Dallas with a Twist of Fate and Jordan sends Dallas out. Jordan drops Axel with a suplex, but Miz tags in and drops Jordan with the Skull Crushing Finale and gets the pin fall.
Winners: The Miztourage. (11:20)
We see the video hype package for the match between Dublin-07 and 2/3 Shield. Dean Ambrose and Seth Rollins have joined Charly Caruso in the Social Media Lounge. Ambrose says he is feeling agressive and is in a mood. Someone asks them what their tag team name is. Rollins says they don’t need a name but after tonight, everyone can call them the Raw Tag Team Champions. Ambrose says he has made a list, but Rollins says they will look at it later. Someone asks how it feels to be back together. Rollins says it’s surreal and Ambrose says he is feeling confident. Someone asks what was the best moment when they were in The Shield. Rollins says there are so many and Ambrose says they opened the show in the first WWE event in the Barclays Center. He says Jay-Z doesn’t own the building, he and Rollins do.
WWE Cruiserweight Championship Match: Akira Tozawa (c) (w/Titus O’Neil) vs. Neville
They lock up and Neville applies a side-headlock. Tozawa sends him off the ropes, but Neville drops him with a shoulder tackle. Neville dropkicks Tozawa down to the mat, but Tozawa comes back and dropkicks Neville out to the floor. Neville gets back into the ring, but Tozawa kicks him in the face. Tozawa beats down Neville in the corner. Neville comes back and sends Tozawa off the ropes, but Tozawa holds on as Neville goes for a dropkick. Tozawa connects with a senton, but Neville comes back and drapes Tozawa over the top rope. Neville slams Tozawa into the LED board as we head to a break.
We’re back and Neville takes Tozawa down with a dropkick in the ring. Neville connects with another dropkick and goes for the cover, but Tozawa kicks out at two. Neville stomps down onto Neville a few times and goes for the cover, but Tozawa kicks out at two. Neville drives a knee into Tozawa’s back and then applies a rear naked choke. Toazawa fights to his feet and sends Neville to the outside. Tozawa takes Neville out with a suicide dive and then connects with a few forearms in the corner. Tozawa kicks Neville in the midsection and then takes him down with a suplex. Tozawa charges at Neville again, but Neville puts him on the apron. Tozawa comes back into the ring, but Neville catches him. Tozawa turns it into an octopus submission and then rolls up Neville for a two count. Tozawa delivers a shining wizard and goes for the cover, but Neville kicks out at two again.
Tozawa goes up top, but Neville moves out of the way. Tozawa comes back and kicks Neville in the side of the head and comes off the ropes, but Neville takes him out with an enzuiguri. Tozawa stays on his feet and drops Neville with a kick to the face and both men are down. Neville grabs Tozawa and slams him down to the mat on his injured shoulder. Neville works over Tozawa’s shoulder, but Tozawa comes back with a straight right hand. Tozawa goes up top, but Neville cuts him off. Neville goes up top as well, but Tozawa fights him off and shoves him down to the mat. Tozawa goes for the senton, but Neville gets his knees up. Neville goes up top and connects with the Red Arrow and gets the pin fall.
Winner and new WWE Cruiserweight Champion: Neville. (11:45)
We go back to the panel and Peter Rosenburg has replaced Lita. Rosenburg shows off his Bobby Heenan-esque jacket and Lawler makes fun of his for it. Renee tosses it back to Kayla Braxton, who is joined by Roman Reigns. Reigns says there is no reason to prepare for the match tonight because he was born ready. He says he doesn’t care who it is, he is whooping everybody’s ass and is walking out of Brooklyn as the Universal Champion.
We’re back from the break and Elias is in the ring. He cuts a promo on Brooklyn and begins to sing a song, but the crowd boos him mercilessly. He says he told them to hold their applause, so he is going to start over. He finishes his song and the lights go out, but he comes back for an encore.
We go back to the panel, but they are interrupted by Carmella and James Ellsworth. Carmella says nobody is talking about Natalya and Naomi because they are all talking about her. The panel does rapid fire for match picks. Carmella picks Big Cass, and doesn’t pick between Naomi and Natalya. Rosenburg asks for her preference and Carmella says Naomi because she would like to snatch the glow off of her. Lawler asks Ellsworth about Rosenburg’s jacket and he mocks Rosenburg. Carmella also doesn’t pick between Alexa Bliss and Sasha Banks, but she picks Rusev to beat Randy Orton. Rosenburg picks Orton. Renee asks Carmella when she is planning on cashin in and Carmella says she is not going to reveal anything but because of it she is the most powerful woman on the roster.
Back from the break, we see The Singh Brothers backstage and they introduce the WWE Champion, Jinder Mahal. Mahal says he has proven he is the best of the best and restored glory to the WWE Championship. He says the naysayers cheered when Baron Corbin tried to cash in, but he stripped them of their hope. He says he will do it again tonight when he defeats Shinsuke Nakamura. Mahal says Nakamura is not in his league and will fight for the 1.3 billion people of India again tonight. He then speaks to his people in his native language of Punjabi. Back to the panel, Lawler says there is more pressure on Mahal than Nakamura tonight. Rosenburg says this is an important night for both men and he loves the combination of both of them tonight. Otunga says Nakamura being in this arena for big shows before will be a benefit and it will be difficult for Mahal. Rosenburg asks if Nakamura will be ready for the Singh Brothers. Rosenburg and Lawler pick Mahal and Otunga goes with Nakamura.
WWE Smackdown Tag Team Championship Match: The New Day (Big E and Xavier Woods) (c) (w/Kofi Kingston) vs. The Usos (Jimmy and Jey)
Woods and Jimmy start the match and hey tie up. Woods goes behind and Jimmy gets to the ropes. Jimmy applies a headlock, but Woods sends him off the ropes. Jimmy takes him down with a shoulder tackle and then goes for a suplex. Woods lands on his feet and drops Jimmy with a spinning elbow. Woods goes for the cover, but Jimmy kicks out at two. Woods takes Jimmy to the corner and delivers a few chops. Woods delivers an elbow shot in the corner, followed by another and then kicks Jimmy in the face. Woods connects with right hands in the corner, but Jimmy comes back with a right of his own. Jimmy charges, but Woods meets him with the boot. Woods comes off the ropes, but Jimmy catches him with an uppercut as we head to a break.
We’re back and Jey is still in control for his team. He applies a headlock down on the mat. Woods tries to get free to tag Big E, but Jey slams him down in the corner. Jey sends Woods into the opposite corner and then delivers a few chops. Jey sets Woods on the top rope and connects with a right hand. Jey climbs as well, but Woods fights back. Woods delivers a headbutt to send Jey down to the mat. Jimmy tries to get involved, but Woods sends him down to the floor. Woods takes Jey down with a dropkick and goes for the tag, but Jimmy pulls Big E down to the floor. Jey comes back and slams Woods head-first into the turnbuckle. Jey delivers an elbow to the back of Woods’ head and Woods falls to the floor. Jimmy slams Woods into the apron and then tosses him back into the ring and tags in Jey. They double-team Woods with a back-breaker/off the top rope elbow drop combo. Jey goes for the cover, but Woods kicks out at two.
The Usos double-team Woods in the ring and Jimmy applies a headlock down on the mat. Woods fights back to his feet, but Jimmy slams him down to the mat again. Jimmy picks Woods up, but Woods counters with a face-buster. Big E and Jey tag in and Big E drops Jey with a suplex. He delivers another one, and then a third. Big E goes for the splash, but Jey counters with an enzuiguri. Jey charges, but Big E catches him and slams him down to the mat. Big E goes for the cover, but Jey kicks out at two. Woods tags back in and Big E power slams him down onto Jey. Big E tags back in and Woods picks Big E up and slams him down onto Jey. Big E goes for the cover, but Jey kicks out at two.
Jimmy distracts Big E and Jey rolls him up, but Big E kicks out. Jimmy gets into the ring and he and Jey drop Big E with a double spine-buster. Jimmy goes for the cover, but Big E kicks out at two. Jimmy delivers a right hand in the corner and then connects with a hip attack. Woods tags in and kicks Jimmy in the midsection. Big E and Woods delivers a double back-stabber to Jimmy and Woods goes for the cover, but Jimmy kicks out at two. Woods chops Jimmy against the ropes and then delivers a headbutt. Woods comes off the ropes, but Jimmy meets him with a clothesline. Woods then meets Jimmy with a clothesline and delivers more headbutts. Jimmy meets Woods with more clotheslines and Jey tags in. Woods sends Jimmy to the outside, and then Jey as well. Woods takes Jimmy down on the floor and then Jey takes Woods out.
Big E tries to come through the ropes, but Jimmy meets him with a superkick. Jimmy and Jey go up top. Jimmy splashes down onto Big E and Jey splashes onto Woods. Jey goes for the cover, but Woods kicks out at two. Jey grabs Woods, but Woods turns it into a submission. Big E grabs Jimmy and Jimmy decks Big E on the floor. Jey rolls Woods over, but Wods kicks out. Woods connects with a shining wizard and goes for the cover, but Jey kicks out at two. Woods backs into the corner and decks Jimmy and goes for the Honor Roll, but Jey catches him. Woods fights out and tags in Big E. Woods drops Jimmy with a DDT on the floor and then Big E and Woods drop Jey with the Up Up Down Down, but Jimmy breaks up the count at two.
Woods grabs Jimmy and delivers a headbutt and then a left hand. Jey tosses Woods out of the ring an Jimmy drops Woods with the Alley-Use. Jey slams Kingston into the steps and Big E flies through the ropes and takes out Jey. Big E tosses Jey into the ring, but Jimmy makes the blind tag and kicks Big E in the midsection. The Usos double superkick Big E and then Jey tags in and goes up top. Jimmy goes up as well and they connect with the double splash and get the pin fall.
Winners and new WWE Smackdown Tag Team Champions: The Usos. (19:20)
Back to the panel, they run down the other matches on the card: Naomi vs. Natalya, Big Show vs. Big Cass, Randy Orton vs. Rusev, Alexa Bliss vs. Sasha Banks, and John Cena vs. Baron Corbin. They then rundown the matches that they have already talked about earlier in the Kickoff Show.
We see a long KFC advertisement with Big Show, Mojo Rawley, Dolph Ziggler, Heath Slater, and Becky Lynch. We go back into the arena and Shawn Michaels’ musis hits. The Hearbreak Kid comes out dressed as Colonel Sanders.
We go back to the panel and they talk about the Fatal-Four Way for the Universal Championship. We see Paul Heyman backstage. He says it doesn’t matter who is in the ring tonight, Brock Lesnar will take them all on. Braun Strowman interferes and tells Heyman he talks to much and Heyman walks away in fear. Rosenburg says Heyman seems more nervous than he ever has before. Otunga says this is the most vulnerable position that Lesnar has been in. Lawler picks Lesnar to retains, Rosenburg picks Reigns, and Otunga picks Strowman as the Kickof Show comes to a close.
We see the opening video for SummerSlam, which highlights the matches for tonight’s show. We then go into the Barclays Center where Tom Phillips welcomes us to the show.
John Cena vs. Baron Corbin
Corbin tries to kick Cena a few times, but Cena leaves the ring and wastes some time talking to the commentators. Cena rolls back into the ring as Corbin comes out after him. Cena applies a side-headlock and backs Corbin into the corner. Corbin decks Cena with a couple right hands and then drives his knee into Cena’s midsection. Corbin stomps down onto Cena and then kicks him in the face. Corbin delivers a right hand and drops Cena back down to the mat. Cena fights back with headbutts to the midsection, but Corbin sends him to the corner. Corbin drops Cena with a big clothesline and goes for the cover, but Cena kicks out at two. Corbin stomps away on Cena and then stomps on his hand.
Corbin delivers more right hands and then takes Cena down with a suplex. Cena fights back with right hands and then goes for a cross-body, but Corbin catches him. Corbin slams Cena down the mat and goes for the cover, but Cena kicks out at two. Corbin applies a submission down on the mat, but Cena comes back and drops Corbin with a dropkick. Corbin comes right back with a right hand to drop Cena again. Corbin grabs Cena, but Cena comes back and drops Corbin with shoulder tackles and a side slam. Cena goes for the Five-Knuckle Shuffle, but Corbin moves and drops Cena with the chokeslam back-breaker. Corbin goes for the cover, but Cena kicks out at two.
Corbin places Cena on the top rope and climbs, but Cena fights back with headbutts. Cena sends Corbin back down and takes Corbin down with a tornado DDT. Cena connects with the Five-Knuckle Shuffle and sets up for the AA. Corbin fights out and drops Cena with the Deep Six. Corbin goes for the cover, but Cena kicks out at two. Corbin delivers forearm shots to Cena down on the mat and then stomps away on him in the corner. Corbin delivers more forearms in the corner and then charges, but Cena moves and drops Corbin with a flying clothesline. Cena picks Corbin up and delivers the AA and gets the pin fall.
Winner: John Cena. (10:15)
We see some video game contests on Xavier Woods’s Up Up Down Down YouTube channel.
We see the video hype package for the match between Naomi and Natalya.
WWE Smackdown Women’s Championship Match: Naomi (c) vs. Natalya
Natalya connects with a slap and then beats down Naomi in the corner. Naomi battles back with some right hands, but Natalya takes Naomi down again and steps on her neck. Naomi comes back with a DDT and slaps Natalya across the face and Natalya rolls to the outside. Naomi gets on the apron and kicks Natalya in the face. Naomi takes Natalya down with a blockbuster on the outside. Naomi rolls Natalya back into the ring and goes for the cover, but Natalya kicks out at two. Natalya comes back and drapes Naomi’s leg over the top rope and then slingshots her into the LED ring post. Natalya tosses Naomi back into the ring and goes for the cover, but Naomi kicks out at two.
Natalya slams Naomi into the corner and then stomps away on her. Natalya grabs Naomi and delivers a snap suplex and goes for the cover, but Naomi kicks out as we see Carmella and James Ellsworth watching the match from backstage. Natalya drops Naomi with a clothesline and goes for another cover, but Naomi kicks out again. Natalya slaps Naomi across the face and then chokes her over the middle rope. Naomi comes back with kicks to Natalya, but Natalya drops her with a sit out slam. Natalya goes for the cover, but Naomi kicks out at two again. Natalya applies an abdominal stretch in the middle of the ring, but Naomi gets free. Natalya drops Naomi with a discus clothesline and goes for the cover, but Naomi kicks out again.
Natalya takes Naomi to the corner and connects with a forearm to the neck. Natalya sends Naomi up top, but Naomi gets free and takes Natalya out with a middle rope neck-breaker. Naomi goes for the cover, but Natalya kicks out at two. Natalya and Naomi exchange rights and lefts and Naomi drops her with a kick to the face. Naomi slams Natalya face-first to the mat and goes for the cover, but Natalya kicks out at two. Naomi kicks Natalya repeatedly, but Natalya comes back with a dropkick. Natalya goes for the cover, but Naomi kicks out at two. Naomi comes back and puts Natalya on the middle rope and kicks her in the back. Naomi comes in with a slingshot leg drop and goes for the cover, but Natalya kicks out at two.
Natalya sends Naomi face-first into the turnbuckle, but Naomi counters with a roll-up for a two count. Naomi goes for a submission, but Natalya turns it around and locks in the Sharpshooter. Naomi counters and flips Natalya head-first into the bottom turnbuckle. Naomi goes for the split-legged moonsault, but Natalya gets her knees up. Natalya locks in the Sharpshooter again and Naomi taps out.
Winner and new WWE Smackdown Women’s Champion: Natalya. (11:10)
We see an ad for WWE Shop and you can save 30% of your orders tonight with code SLAM. We then see the first promo for WWE No Mercy, which will be a Raw-exclusive event this year.
We see the shark cage being lowered into the ring and then see the video hype package for the match between The Big Show and Big Cass.
Enzo’s music hits and he cuts his usual promo before the match begins.
Singles Match (w/Enzo Amore Suspended Above the Ring in a Shark Cage): The Big Show vs. Big Cass
Show backs Cass into the corner and delivers a few body shots. Show delivers a headbutt and then a shoulder tackle. Show slaps Cass across the chest a few times and then takes him down to the mat. Show continues with the body shots and then drops Cass with a side slam, but Show lands on his bad hand. Show tosses Cass across the ring and the gets on the middle rope. He goes to splash down onto Cass, but Cass rolls out of the way and Show lands on his hand. Cass splashes Show in the corner and goes for a big boot, but Show catches him with the KO Punch. Show goes for the cover, but Cass kicks out at two.
Show goes to smash Cass in the corner, but Cass moves out of the way and then kicks Show in the hand. Cass rains punches down on Show’s hand down on the mat and then kicks Show in the hand again. Cass kicks Show in the midsection and then stomps down on Show’s hand. Cass works over Show’s hand and applies an arm-bar submission down on the mat. The crowd begins to chant “Boring” and Cass taunts them. Cass goes back to the arm bar submission, but Show tries to fight out of it. Cass turns it into a wrist-lock, but Show fights to his feet. Show backs Cass into the corner and drives his knee into Cass’ midsection. Show tosses Cass across the ring and drops him with some shoulder tackles.
Show grabs Cass and delivers a choke-slam with his uninjured hand. Show goes for the cover, but Cass kicks out at two. Cass comes back and slams Show’s hand into the LED ring post. Cass kicks Show in the midsection and Enzo tries to escape from the cage. Enzo strips to his underwear and applies stripper’s lotion in an attempt to squeeze through the bars. He gets out and Cass sees what’s going on. He drops into the ring, but Cass drops him with a big boot. Cass sets up for the big boot again and drops Show with it. Cass goes for the cover, but Show kicks out. Cass drops Show with another big boot and then drops the Empire Elbow and gets the pin fall.
Winner: Big Cass. (10:30)
We see Kurt Angle and Daniel Bryan backstage. They talk about the happening of the show so far and Bryan brings up Jason Jordan’s match. Angle gets a little defensive and says the Smackdown side will steal the show and brings up Jinder Mahal vs. Shinsuke Nakamura and Angle says the Fatal Four-Way will be absolutely epic. They use each others catchphrases and get in a “Yes/No” argument.
Randy Orton vs. Rusev
Rusev attacks Orton before the match and knocks him out to the floor. Rusev slams Orton into the LED ring post and then delivers a fall-away slam into the barricade. Rusev tosses Orton back into the ring and the referee checks on Orton. Orton pulls himself to his feet and the referee calls for the bell.
Rusev charges at Orton, but Orton moves and drops Rusev with an RKO and gets the pin fall.
Winner: Randy Orton. (0:10)
We see an ad for WWE 2K18.
Sasha Banks is walking backstage and she stops to hug Bayley.
WWE Raw Women’s Championship Match: Alexa Bliss (c) vs. Sasha Banks
Banks and Bliss battle into the corner and exchange rapid fire right hand. Bliss drops Banks with a right hand that sends her across the ring. Bliss comes off the ropes, but Banks drops her with a drop toe hold. Banks sends Bliss to the apron, but Bliss counters and drapes Banks over the middle rope and connects with a knee lift. Bliss goes up top and connects with a cross-body. Bliss goes for the cover, but Banks kicks out at two. Banks turns it into her own cover, but Bliss kicks out at two. Bliss backs Banks into the corner and hangs her up on the middle rope. Bliss slams Banks face-first down to the mat and then delivers more right hands. Bliss goes for the cover, but Banks kicks out at two. Bliss then stands on Banks’ hair and pulls her up from the mat.
Bliss slams Banks down to the mat again and goes for the cover, but Banks kicks out at two. Banks fights back briefly, but Bliss takes her down again. Bliss drives knees into Banks and then connects with the springboard moonsault/double knees combo. Bliss goes for the cover, but Banks kicks out at two. Bliss chokes Banks over the middle rope and goes for another cover, but Banks kicks out again. Bliss cranks the neck of Banks down on the mat, but Banks gets free. Banks goes for a roll-up, but Bliss kicks out at two. Bliss comes right back and slams Banks down to the mat. Bliss goes for the cover, but Banks once again kicks out. Bliss backs Banks into the corner and drives her shoulder into the midsection. Banks turns it around and connects with right hands. Bliss knocks Banks away and goes up top and picks Banks up by the throat in the corner.
Banks pulls Bliss down with a hurricanrana and then drives her knee into Bliss’ face and both women are down. Banks comes back with some clotheslines and then a dropkick. Banks drops Bliss with a neck-breaker and goes for the cover, but Bliss kicks out at two. Bliss comes back with a knee to the midsection and then a face-buster off of her knee. Bliss goes for the cover, but Banks kicks out at two. Bliss grabs Banks, but Banks kicks her in the back of the head. Bliss comes back and goes for a sunset flip, but Banks slams her into the turnbuckles. Banks drives double knees into Bliss a few times and goes for the cover, but Bliss kicks out at two. Bliss comes back with a right hand and goes for the DDT, but Banks turns it into the back-stabber and locks in the Bank Statement. Bliss quickly gets to the ropes and rolls to the floor.
Banks gets on the apron, but Bliss pulls her down to the floor. Bliss tosses Banks back into the ring and then tosses her right back out. Banks gets back into the ring at the nine count and Bliss works over Banks’ injured shoulder. Bliss slams Banks down to the mat and kicks her in the ribs. Bliss steps over Banks and goes up top. Bliss goes for Twisted Bliss and connects, but Banks kicks out at two. Banks comes back and slams Bliss face-first to the mat and locks in the Bank Statement. Bliss works over Banks’ shoulder and rolls her up, but Banks kicks out at two. Banks locks in the Bank Statement again and Bliss taps out.
Winner and new Raw Women’s Champion: Sasha Banks. (13:10)
We see the same KFC ad that we saw on the pre show earlier.
We see the video hype package for the match between Finn Balor and Bray Wyatt.
Finn Balor vs. Bray Wyatt
Wyatt rolls out of the ring as Balor stalks him from the mat. Wyatt gets back into the ring, but Balor connects with kicks and punches. Balor beats down Wyatt against the ropes and Wyatt rolls out of the ring. Balor comes out after him and connects with a flying forearm. Balor tosses Wyatt back into the ring and we have a stalemate and Wyatt hangs upside down in the corner. Balor takes Wyatt down and kicks him in the face. Balor grabs Wyatt, but Wyatt gets to the ropes. Wyatt kicks Balor away and goes to the outside, but Balor launches himseld over the top rope and takes Wyatt out.
Balor tosses Wyatt into the ring and goes up top, but Wyatt rolls back to the outside. Balor goes after him, but Wyatt catches him with a right hand. Wyatt grabs Balor and suplexes him to the floor. Wyatt slams Balor’s face into the ring apron and then tosses him back into the ring. Wyatt delivers a few right hands against the ropes and then takes him to the corner. Balor fights back, but Wyatt keeps the advantage. Wyatt puts Balor on the top rope and smacks Balor across the face. Wyatt drops Balor from the top with a shoulder breaker and then applies a rear chin-lock in the middle of the ring.
Balor fights free, but Wyatt slams him into the corner and splashes him. Wyatt goes for Sister Abigail, but Balor counters and takes Wyatt down to the mat. Balor stomps down onto Wyatt and delivers an overhead kick. Balor drops Wyatt with a few clotheslines and then sends him out to the floor. Balor kicks Wyatt in the face and them stomps down on the back of his neck on the outside. Balor tosses Wyatt back into the ring and goes up top. Balor sets up for the Coupe de Grace, but Wyatt counters and sets up for Sister Abigail. Balor gets free and drops Wyatt with a slingblade. Balor charges, but Wyatt kicks him in the face. Wyatt slams Balor down to the mat and goes for the cover, but Balor kicks out at two.
Wyatt delivers a running senton and goes for another cover, but Balor kicks out at two again. Wyatt goes to the ropes, but Balor cuts him off with an enzuiguri. Balor delivers an elbow to the chest and goes for the cover, but Wyatt kicks out at two. Wyatt rolls to the floor, but Balor follows him out. Balor dropkicks Wyatt into the barricade and tosses him back into the ring. Balor charges, but Wyatt drops him with a clothesline. Wyatt goes for the cover, but Balor kicks out at two. Wyatt crab walks, but Balor gets right up and stares Wyatt down. Wyatt charges, but Balor drops him with the slingblade. Balor dropkicks Wyatt in the corner and connects with the Coup de Grace and gets the pin fall.
Winner: Finn Balor. (10:40)
We see a promo video for Total Bella and then something much better, the Mae Young Classic.
We see the video hype package for the match between Dublin-07 and 2/3 Shield.
WWE Raw Tag Team Championship Match: Cesaro and Sheamus (c) vs. Dean Ambrose and Seth Rollins
Ambrose and Sheamus start the match and Sheamus takes Ambrose down with a side-headlock take down. Ambrose get back to his feet and backs Sheamus against the ropes. Ambrose applies a headlock now and Rollins tags in. Ambrose drops Sheamus with a suplex and Rollns drops a knee. Rollins goes for the cover, but Sheamus kicks out at two. Sheamus comes back and takes advantage and Cesaro tags in. Cesaro delivers an uppercut to Rollins, but Rollins takes control and slams Cesaro into the corner as Ambrose tags in. Ambrose drops a forearm shot and goes for the cover, but Cesaro kicks out. Ambrose drives a knee into Cesaro’s midsection and Rollins tags in. Ambrose and Rollins knock Cesaro and Sheamus to the floor.
Cesaro gets back into the ring and knocks Ambrose to the floor and Sheamus connects with a Brogue Kick. Rollins comes to the floor, but Cesaro and Sheamus slams him into the barricade. Cesaro tosses Rollins back into the ring and then slams him down to the mat and tags in Sheamus. Sheamus drops an elbow and then delivers an uppercut and tags in Rollins. Cesaro tags in and clubs Rollins from the top rope. Cesaro applies a headlock to Rollins and Sheamus tags in. Sheamus slams Rollins to the mat and goes for the cover, but Rollins kicks out at two. Cesaro runs out into the crowd and destroys a beachball that the crowd was tossing around.
It breaks down on the outside and Ambrose takes out everyone with a dive from the top rope. Ambrose tosses Rollins back into the ring and wants the tag. Sheamus gets back into the ring to stop Rollins, but Rollins kicks him away. Cesaro and Ambrose tag in and Ambrose drops Cesaro with a few clotheslines. Sheamus gets into the ring, but Rollins tags in.
*My Internet connection dropped for a bit*
I’m back and Cesaro has the Sharpshooter locked on Ambrose. Ambrose tries to get to the ropes, but Cesaro pulls him back and turns it into a cross-face submission. Ambrose turns it into a pin, but Cesaro kicks out at two. Sheamus tags in and comes off the top with a clothesline. He goes for the cover, but Ambrose kicks out at two. Cesaro tags back in and they drop Ambrose with a double crucifix. Cesato goes for the cover, but Rollins breaks it up. Cesaro and Sheamus stomp away on Rollins and toss him out to the floor.
Rollins back back in and superkicks Cesaro and delivers a knee to Sheamus and Ambrose drops Sheamus with Dirty Deeds and gets the pin fall.
Winners and new WWE Raw Tag Team Champions: Dean Ambrose and Seth Rollins. (18:35)
We see the video hype package for the match between AJ Styles and Kevin Owens.
WWE United States Championship Match (w/Shane McMahon as the Special Guest Referee): AJ Styles (c) vs. Kevin Owens
Styles and Owens brawl before the bell and McMahon has to separate them twice. The bell rings and they brawl to the outside. Styles connects with a running knee and tosses Owens back into the ring. Styles keeps control and slams Owens into the corner. Styles drops Owens with a back-breaker and stomps down onto Owens. Styles drops a knee to Owens and takes him to the corner, but Owens punches Styles in the throat to separate. Owens drops Styles with a big clothesline out of the corner and chops him in the opposite corner. Owens slams Styles down to the mat, but Styles comes right back and the men exchange right hands. Owens sends Styles into the corner and clotheslines him. Owens connects with the cannonball and goes for the cover, but Styles kicks out at two.
Owens drops Styles with another clothesline and then connects with a senton. Owens goes for another cover, but Styles kicks out. Owens applies a headlock down on the mat. Owens chops Styles against the ropes after Styles gets to his feet. Styles fight back and they brawl in the middle of the ring. Styles delivers a face-buster to Owens and both men are down. Styles sets up for the Styles Clash, but Owens counters with a back-body drop. Styles comes back and keeps control and takes Owens down again. Styles drags Owens to the corner and goes up top, but Owens gets to his feet and stumbles into McMahon, who falls into the ropes and knocks Styles down. Owens grabs Styles and lifts him up, but Styles counters with elbows and takes Owens down with a sunset flip power bomb.
Styles goes for the 450 splash, but Owens pulls McMahon onto him and Styles end up hitting McMahon instead. Styles looks at McMahon and Owens sets Styles off the ropes and connects with the pop-up powerbomb. Owens goes for the cover, but Styles kicks out at two. Owens gets face-to-face with McMahon and complains about the count and Styles rolls him around and applies the Calf Crusher, but Owens rakes the eyes to break the hold. McMahon scolds Owens and McMahon gets sent to the floor after Owens shoves Styles into him Styles locks in the Calf Crusher in the ring and Owens taps, but McMahon is down on the outside. Styles tells McMahon to do his job and shoves him. McMahon shoves Styles and Owens rolls Styles up and grabs the tights, but Styles kicks out at two.
Owens sends Styles into the top turnbuckle and charges, but Styles meets him with a forearm. Styles suplexes Owens into the turnbuckles and then sets him up top. Styles goes for a sunset flip, but Owens catches him and turns it into an inverted suplex. Owens goes for the cover, but Styles kicks out at two. Owens and Styles exchange right hands in the ring and Styles gets the upper hand. Styles goes for the Pele kick, but Owens counters with a superkick. Owens goes for the cover, but Styles kicks out. Styles comes back with the Styles Clash and goes for the cover, but Owens kicks out at two. Styles goes to the apron and sets up for the Phenomenal Forearm, but Owens ducks under. Styles comes off the ropes, but Owens catches him with the pop-up power bomb. Owens goes for the cover and gets the three, but McMahon waves it off as Styles put his foot on the rope at the last second.
Owens gets in McMahon’s face and they start shoving. Styles rolls Owens up for a two count and then hits the Pele kick. Styles connects with the Phenomenal Forearm and then the Styles Clash and gets the pin fall.
Winner and still WWE United States Champion: AJ Styles. (17:20)
We see footage from an anti-bullying event that was co-hosted by WWE and Cricket Wireless that was hosted at the Barclays Center earlier in the week.
We see the video hype package for the match between Jinder Mahal and Shinsuke Nakamura.
WWE Championship Match: Jinder Mahal (w/The Singh Brothers) vs. Shinsuke Nakamura
Nakamura goes behind for a waist-lock, but Mahal turns it into a wrist-lock. Nakamura gets free and applies a headlock. Nakamura uses some of his offense and Mahal shoves him away. Mahal charges, but Nakamura moves and sends Mahal out to the floor. Nakamura delivers a few right hands and then kicks Mahal back down to the floor. Mahal gets back into the ring and kicks Nakamura in the leg. Mahal clubs Nakamura across the back, but Nakamura comes back with a dropkick and then a knee drop across Mahal’s face. Nakamura takes Mahal to the corner and delivers Good Vibrations. Mahal rolls to the outside to regroup with The Singh Brothers.
Nakamura follows him out and backs him into the barricade. Nakamura tosses Mahal back into the ring and the Singhs provide a distraction that allows Mahal to knock Nakamura into the barricade. Mahal grabs Nakamura and tosses him back into the ring and drops a series of knees to Nakamura. Mahal grinds his knee into Nakamura’s face and then drives his knee into Nakamura’s back. Mahal applies a rear chin-lock down on the mat. Mahal mocks Nakamura and then drops an elbow. Mahal keeps the elbow shots coming and then goes back to the rear chin-lock. Nakamura fights out and drives a knee into Mahal’s midsection. Nakamura drops Mahal with a left and both men are down in the ring.
Nakamura drops Mahal with a boot to the jaw and then kicks Mahal in the chest a few times. Nakamura sends Mahal into the corner and connects with a clothesline. Nakamura raises a knee into Mahal’s midsection and goes for the cover, but Mahal kicks out at two. Nakamura grabs Mahal and goes for the exploder suplex, but Mahal elbows his way out of it. Mahal goes for a power bomb, but Nakamura holds on and locks in a triangle submission. Mahal gets to the ropes and Nakamura applies a front face-lock. Nakamura goes for a suplex, but Mahal blocks it. Nakamura drives a knee into Mahal’s midsection and then delivers a face-buster. Nakamura sets up for the knee strike, but Mahal sends him into the corner. Mahal connects with a knee and then drapes Nakamura over the top rope. Mahal drops Nakamura with a clothesline and goes for the cover, but Nakamura kicks out at two.
Mahal sets up for the Khallas, but Nakamura elbows his way out. Mahal charges, but Nakamura moves and Mahal hits the ring post. Nakamura knees Mahal in the back of the head and then sets up for the Kinshasa, but Samir Singh gets on the apron. Nakamura pulls him in the ring and then hits him with the Kinshasa and then delivers one to Sumil as well. Mahal grabs Nakamura and lays him out with the Khallas and gets the pin fall.
Winner and still WWE Champion: Jinder Mahal. (11:25)
We see an ad for the WWE Network and then another hype video for the upcoming Mae Young Classic, which streams on the WWE Network beginning Monday, August 28th.
We see another add for WWE No Mercy, which is a Raw-exclusive PPV on Sunday, September 24th.
We see the video hype package for the match between Brock Lesnar, Braun Strowman, Roman Reigns, and Samoa Joe.
WWE Universal Championship Fatal Four-Way Match: Brock Lesnar (c) (w/Paul Heyman) vs. Roman Reigns vs. Samoa Joe vs. Braun Strowman
Joe battles with Lesnar and Strowman tosses Reigns to the outside and follows him out. Lesnar gets the upperhand and sends Joe to the outside. Reigns slams Strowman into the ring post and stares at Lesnar. Lesnar drops Reigns with a suplex and then one to Joe as well. Strowman gets into the ring but Reigns and Joe get into the ring. Reigns goes after Lesnar and Joe after Strowman, but Lesnar and Strowman send them back to the outside. They lock up and Strowman tosses Lesnar into the corner and splashes him. Strowman tosses Lesnar out to the floor. Reigns gets into the ring and Strowman tosses him aside. Strowman charges, but Reigns moves and Strowman hits the post. Joe locks in the Coquina Clutch to Lesnar on the outside. Reigns spears Lesnar through the barricade and Joe dodges the spear. Joe slams Reigns down onto the announce table and Strowman knocks Joe over the table.
Strowman takes apart an announce table and knocks Lesnar back down to the mat. Strowman picks Lesnar up and power slams him through the table. Strowman tosses Joe back into the ring, but Reigns takes Strowman out with the Drive-by. Joe takes Reigns out with a flying forearm. Joe picks Reigns up, but Strowman throws an announcers chair and takes them both down. Strowman takes apart another table and power slams Lesnar through it again. The referee calls for help from the back to check on Lesnar. Strowman picks up the last announce table and dumps it down onto Lesnar. Trainers and medics rush to ringside and get the table off of Lesnar. A stretcher comes in and they place Lesnar on it and wheel him away.
Strowman grabs the steps and nails Joe with them, and then Reigns as well. He nails Joe again and then tosses them into the ring. Strowman tosses Reigns into the ring and Reigns goes on the offensive. Strowman shoves him away, but Reigns hits Strowman with the steps a few times. Reigns sends Strowman down to the floor and Joe rolls up Reigns for a two count. Joe drops Reigns with an atomic drop and a kick to the face. Joe goes for the cover, but Reigns kicks out at two. Reigns comes back and takes Joe down with a slam and goes for the cover, but Joe kicks out at two. Joe comes back and tries to go for the Coquina Clutch, but Strowman comes back and delivers a double choke-slam to both. Strowman goes for the cover on Reigns, but he kicks out at two and all three men are down.
Lesnar emerges from the back and storms back to the ring as Strowman stands up. Lesnar goes right after Strowman and knocks him out of the ring. Lesnar delivers a suplex to Reigns and then one to Joe. Strowman gets into the ring and goes for the power slam, but Lesnar escapes. Strowman delivers an elbow and smashes Lesnar in the corner. Lesnar goes for the Kimora Lock on Strowman and he has it locked in. Reigns delivers the Superman Punch to Strowman and Lesnar, and then one to Joe as well. Reigns spears Lesnar, but Lesnar kicks out at two. Reigns sets up for another spear, but Joe locks in the Coquina Clutch. Strowman dropkicks them both into the corner and takes Joe down with the power slam. He goes for the cover, but the Lesnar pulls the referee out of the ring at two.
Reigns drops Lesnar with a Superman Punch on the floor and delivers one to Strowman in the ring. Strowman powers out at two and Reigns charges, but Strowman counters with a big boot. Strowman power slams Reigns and goes for the cover, but Lesnar breaks up the count at two. Strowman grabs Lesnar, but Lesnar counters and lifts Strowman for the F5. Strowman counters and Reigns spears Strowman and everyone is down. Lesnar grabs Reigns for the F5, but Joe grabs Reigns and tosses him to the floor. Joe locks the Coquina Clutch on Lesnar, but Lesnar counters with the F5. Lesnar goes for the cover, but Reigns breaks it up at two. Reigns hits Lesnar with a few Superman punches and then sets up for the spear. Lesnar counters the spear and hits the F5 and gets the pin fall.
Winner and still WWE Universal Champion: Brock Lesnar.