WWE Backlash Coverage: Sami Zayn vs. Baron Corbin

May 21, 2017 - by Michael Riba

Sami Zayn vs. Baron Corbin

They tie up and Corbin backs Zayn into the corner. Zayn comes back with a wrist-lock, but Corbin backs him into the corner again. Corbin takes Zayn to the ropes and drives a knee into his midsection. Zayn comes back and takes Corbin down and sends him to the outside. Zayn runs the ropes and goes for Corbin, but Corbin moves and Zayn springboards back into the ring. Corbin gets back into the ring, but Zayn connects with a dropkick that sends Corbin to the floor again. Corbin grabs Zayn and delivers a right hand on the outside. Zayn comes back and backs Corbin into the apron and tosses him back into the ring. Zayn takes Corbin to the corner, but Corbin grabs him and drives him into the opposite corner. Corbin slams Zayn down to the mat and then applies a bear hug in the middle of the ring. Zayn fights ou, but Corbin sends him off the ropes. Zayn counters with a kick and sends Corbin to the floor once more. Zayn goes up top and Corbin gets back into the ring. Zayn dives, Corbin ducks and delivers a spine-buster to Zayn. Corbin goes for the cover, but Zayn kicks out at two. Corbin drops Zayn with a right hand and then yells at him to stay down. Corbin drops Zayn with another right hand and goes for a third, but Zayn drops him with a clothesline. Zayn drops Corbin with another clothesline and kicks him in the face. Zayn takes Corbin down with a cross body and goes for the cover, but Corbin kicks out at two. Corbin comes back with a shot to Zayn’s throat and then drops him with a huge clothesline that turns Zayn inside out. Corbin goes for the cover, but Zayn kicks out at two. Corbin continues to work over Zayn’s back and goes for a back body drop, but Zayn lands on his feet. Zayn comes off the ropes, but Corbin catches him and delivers a back-breaker. Corbin goes for the cover, but Zayn kicks out at two. Corbin puts Zayn on the top rope and goes for a suplex, but Zayn holds on. Zayn clubs Corbin in the back and connects with a sunset flip power bomb. Zayn goes for the cover, but Corbin kicks out at two. Corbin comes back and charges at Zayn, but Zayn catches him and goes for an exploder in the corner. Corbin blocks it and drops Zayn with the Deep Six. Corbin goes for the cover, but Zayn kicks out at two. Corbin takes Zayn to the corner, but Zayn counters and hits the Helluva Kick and gets the pin fall.
Winner: Sami Zayn.

We see a segment with Xavier Woods playing the new WWE-sponsored game, Rocket League, on his UpUpDownDown YouTube channel.

We see Jinder Mahal and The Singh Brothers arriving backstage. Dasha Fuentes tries to interrupt him, but he says Chicago and America are full of haters. He says people take one look at him and hate him because of the way he looks and talks. He says he is going to take all of the hatred and turn it into goodness, something positive, spiritual, and almost holy. Mahal says he is a peaceful man, but when he is provoked he turns into an animal. He says he will turn a universe of haters and discriminators into believers and will become the WWE Champion.

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