The Young Bucks recount story of receiving a message from Vince McMahon before WrestleMania
The Young Bucks, the current ROH Tag Team champions, revealed on the Edge & Christian podcast this week that when they faced Matt and Jeff Hardy at the ROH show in a ladder match the night before WrestleMania, Matt carried a message for them from WWE Chairman and CEO Vince McMahon.
Matt and Nick Jackson were two of the few guys who were aware that the Hardys were on the way to WWE and had to wrestle another ladder match the next day at WrestleMania on their first return to the company.
Before the match, Matt Hardy told the two brothers that Vince McMahon called him in the morning and told him to carry on a message for the duo. “Hey I know these Young Buck kids are good, but could you please tell them to take care of you guys?” Matt Jackson said, recounting the story that Matt Hardy told them that night.
The YB said that no one in Ring of Honor knew that Matt and Jeff were going to show up at WrestleMania the next day even though the Young Bucks were going over the Hardys in the ladder match to regain their tag team titles. “We actually felt a lot of responsibility. We knew what they were doing the next night. We were two of the few guys in the world that actually knew about it,” he added.