Eric Bischoff on the AJ Styles vs. HBK tease

Oct 30, 2016 - by Steve Gerweck

On if the tease of AJ Styles vs Shawn Michaels is worth it if the match isn’t going to happen:

EB: No, it’s not. Once you set the bar that high… that’s the really tricky thing. Especially about pro wrestling/sports entertainment. It’s really easy to hype something. It’s really easy to get people talking about something. It’s not something that is always easy to deliver on. This is one of those cases. Look, if the match is already made. If indeed it’s going to happen then this is a very cool, organic way to build to a crescendo for that match. On the other hand, if this is just them throwing it out there to see how the crowd reacts it could definitely backfire.

source: THE SpOTLight

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