Lashley: “we need to have a legitimate champion [in] wrestling”

Oct 7, 2016 - by Steve Gerweck

Lashley did an interview with The Undefeated here are some highlights:

You once spoke about the lack of realism in professional wrestling, will you please explain that?

I love professional wrestling, but we’re in the day and age of reality TV. I believe that we have to be based more on reality. Right now we’re veering away from that and we’re trying to say, ‘Oh, let’s just make this fun and then let’s get this person a title and let’s have fun with this. This guy is just a cool character that people like.’

Having a cool character is understandable, but right now we need to have a legitimate champion [in] wrestling. We’re still defending our business. We have this little [guy] Conor McGregor [a UFC fighter] a few weeks back come through and really just bash all of the wrestlers: ‘I’ll slap all of these guys in the mouth.’ I’m like, whoa, little guy, you can say that about some people, but some people you can’t.’ We need to have people that can defend our territory as professional wrestlers at the highest level, especially if you’re holding the title. Even if you can beat up everybody, at least you can’t beat up our champion.

What is your advice to young fans who want to enter the world of professional wrestling or MMA?

Train, train, train and learn. I would say you’ve got to decide what you want to do. Do you want to be in the wrestling game or do you want to be in the wrestling business? Do you want to be in the fight game or do you want to be in the fight business? It’s a big difference.

To read the entire article click here

source: Mia Bia

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