Roman Reigns Reportedly Told to Apologize to Co-Workers, How Much Suspension Will Cost Him
Roman Reigns was ordered to go into the WWE locker room and apologize to everyone before he was flown home to begin a 30-day suspension for his first violation of the WWE Wellness Policy last week, according to The Wrestling Observer Newsletter. There were said to be mixed reactions internally to the whole thing.
WWE’s Mark Carrano was the one who ordered Reigns to make the apology, indicating it was a Triple H call and not one from Vince McMahon’s side. There was a feeling that there was no need to humiliate Reigns like that but others didn’t feel the same way.
On a related note, Reigns’ suspension will likely cost him around $100,000 or more as WWE talents to not get paid any of their wrestling pay while suspended and Reigns was booked in the main event of every live event on his tour. Reigns got lucky as he won’t be missing any pay-per-view payoffs. WWE talents do get paid based on merchandise sold while suspended and any royalties but also don’t get paid their downside guarantees while suspended.
Source: Wrestling Observer Newsletter