Audio: Breaking Raw – Post Payback Episode of Raw

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WWE Monday Night Raw 5/2/16 – Scottrade Center in St. Louis, MO contributor Atlee Greene and co-host Adam Kohn review the new era in WWE as Shane and Stephanie McMahon share control of the show. They also give their quick thoughts on WWE Payback, the backstage situation regarding Ryback and Camp WWE.
- Cesaro vs. Kevin Owens
- Big Cass & The New Day vs. The Vaudevillians & The Dudley Boyz
- Battle Royal to determine the #1 contender for the U.S. title
- AJ Styles, Luke Gallows & Karl Anderson vs. Roman Reigns & The Usos and much more!
Follow Atlee Greene on Twitter @AtleeGreene
Follow Adam Kohn on Twitter @AdamWx21
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