John Cena Says He’s Cleared to Return to the Ring, Talks Shane McMahon vs. The Undertaker, More

Apr 1, 2016 - by Staff

John Cena just did a new Q&A with Complex Magazine and says he is cleared to wrestle. Cena said he will be back on WWE TV when they give him the call. You can read the full interview at this link. Below are highlights:

How close are you to returning to the ring?

If you ask me today, I should’ve been back two weeks ago. I’ve logged almost 400 hours of physical therapy. I got 111 visits in 12 weeks time. I go every single second I can. People say I have a Wolverine-like style of recovery. I was given a nine month quota to come back and after three months I can tell you that I am ready to do anything asked of me possible. It’s a matter of when they call me.

This will be the first WrestleMania since 2003 without you on the card. Are you angry?

Not at all because it’s not time. Like I said, they call and I answer.

As a fan, what match are you most looking forward to?

Shane-Undertaker because of what’s at stake—the stakes are what determines how important a match is. Yes, we all want to be champion, but Shane returning after a seven year absence to only have one match and if he loses, he’s gone. If he wins, things change drastically. If he beats the Undertaker I can confidently say that’s probably the last time we are going to see the Undertaker because if the Undertaker is as good as he says he is, for him to lose to someone coming off a seven year sabbatical, maybe you’ve lost a step kid. Maybe its time to move aside.

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