Spoilers: TNA Impact Tapings – 4/5/16
– TNA taped the following matches, apparently for the April 5th Impact Wrestling episode, on Friday in Orlando:
* In-ring promo with Jeff Hardy and Matt Hardy, who wants Jeff to stop using their last name. He challenges Jeff to a match with the Hardy name on the line
* TNA Tag Team Champions Beer Money retained over The BroMans, The Decay and Bram & Eric Young
* DJ Zema Ion defeated TNA X Division Champion Trevor Lee in a non-title match. Trevor beats him down after the match until Eddie Edwards makes the save
* Maria Kanellis and TNA Knockouts Champion Jade come to the ring. Maria wants Jade to hand over her title since Maria gave her the title shot. Jade refuses and this leads to a big argument with other Knockouts. Billy Corgan breaks it up and announces a match to determine the leader of the division, plus Jade vs. Madison Rayne for the title
* Mike Bennett defeated Ethan Carter III by disqualification when EC3 snapped and used a steel chair
* Al Snow cuts a promo in the ring about fans and the internet, Grado and Mahabali Shera. Snow apologizes for hurting Grado and kicking Shera below the belt. Shera comes out to accept the apology but gets beat down from behind
* TNA Knockouts Champion Jade retained over Madison Rayne
* Matt Hardy and Tyrus defeated Ethan Carter III and Jeff Hardy when Matt used a hammer on Jeff. Post-match appearances from Lashley and TNA World Heavyweight Champion Drew Galloway. Lashley ended the show with two spears on Galloway