Jeff Jarrett: “Wrestling fans love to compare everything”
Via Brady Hicks:
Former TNA, WWE, and WCW star – and Global Force Wrestling founder – Jeff Jarrett joined the IN THE ROOM podcast this past Tuesday, March 8, 2016 with Brady Hicks, The Stro (WCW’s Maestro), Kathie Fitzpatrick, and Derrick McDonald. What are “Double-J”‘s thoughts on the Global Force revolution, GFW being compared to TNA, and having one last run on Impact? Plus, Jeff considers the possibility of WWE inducting him into the company’s Hall of Fame, looks back on his time in Memphis and working with his father, reflects on balancing his private/home and public life, and Brady being a “flustered mess.”
The program is available via or directly at
Thanks to Mike Bessler of Breaking Wrestling News for the following coverage:
Comparing Global Force Wrestling to TNA:
Wrestling fans love to compare everything that they can get their hands on. That’s okay. I love it. You can compare title runs, you can compare feuds, you can compare promos … everybody has in their minds a comparison or a pecking order or what have you. I know that certain times in TNA’s history, I’d love to be compared to that company. Other times, not so much. But wrestling fans will pick and choose how they want to compare. It doesn’t bother me … because when you come a Global Force show, you immediately know this is not TNA.
On a Possible WWE Hall of Fame Induction:
That is up to one man. You can’t predict a man’s mind. I’ll leave that up to the wrestling fans to discuss and debate and everything that goes with it.
IN THE ROOM airs live, weekly, Tuesday nights at 9 PM ET on the VOC Nation Radio Network ( Join Brady Hicks (Pro Wrestling Illustrated contributing writer), as well as The Stro (WCW’s Maestro), Kathie Fitz, and Derrick McDonald as they run down all that’s going on in wrestling, and sit down with some of wrestling’s top stars.