Shane McMahon joins Twitter

Feb 24, 2016 - by Colin Vassallo

Shane McMahon has finally joined the Twitter world using the @shanemcmahon username. His Twitter profile reads, “4th generation McMahon in the family business. Father. New Yorker. Sneakerhead.” His first tweet was a thank you to the Detroit crowd, which provided him with a moment he said he would never forget. “What a night. Thank you Detroit for that incredible welcome. It’s great to be back,” he tweeted. He currently has nearly 60,000 followers, a number which will surely rise once word of mouth starts to pick up. Interesting enough, he’s only following his Muay Thai coach Ajar Phil Nurse, Michael Jordan, Spike Lee, and WWE’s official Twitter account. His father Vince also commented on Twitter about the opening segment of Raw, saying, “My son @ShaneMcMahon returns to Raw. #SurrealMoment.”

Colin Vassallo has been editor of Wrestling-Online since 1996

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