2/13 WWE NXT house show results from Palatka, FL
* Hugo Knox beat Sawyer Fulton: A lot of kids were cheering for Hugo tonight with his dancing and party boy style. Sawyer was out with longer hair and a skunk trail. March was mostly Fulton wearing Hugo down until some flashy moves by Knox, a big dropkick and winning with a sunset flip.
* Carmella beat Peyton Royce: The usual antics of these two with some comedy where Carmella took Peyton’s flower and moonwalked away from her. Carmella won with her STO and leg headlock for the submission.
* Elias Samson beat Tucker Knight: Samson was out to sing a song about how he started in Palatka and how he wants to leave this crappy town. Knight entered to his live event fans singing songs for him about his silver boots. Samson was annoyed with people other than him singing so he was heckled with Drift Away chants. Finish saw Elias use the ropes to cheat and steal the pin.
* Apollo Crews beat Alex Riley: This was a very good match where crowd was split. Dueling chants and pockets of fans cheering for both. Riley was on top of his game tonight, responding to hecklers with “I main evented WrestleMania 27!”. Was all Riley early, even connected on a superkick for a strong near fall late. Apollo fought back, fired up and hit his big slam for the win. Post match Riley asked for a handshake, Apollo accepted and Riley also raised Crews’ arm.
* Enzo Amore & Big Cass beat The Vaudevillains: Vaudevillains enter first with their new/old heel music, Enzo and Cass received the largest reaction thus far and do their usual mic work. The heels worked over Cass a lot in this one so we got a chance to see an Enzo Amore firey comeback. He ran wild with a lot of running and knock down moves, was able to get Cass back in to finish the Vauds off before Enzo got the assisted splash for the win.
* Levis Valenzuela beat Angelo Dawkins: Dawkins controlled most of the match and talked a lot of smack to no one in particular. Crowd was not familiar with Valenzuela so they weren’t sure how to react. Levis waged his come back and hit the wind up punch for the win.
– In ring promo with Manny Andrade who, in Spanish, says he wants to be the NXT champion someday.
* NXT Women’s Champion Bayley beat Liv Morgan to retain: A clean wrestling match between the two friends. The kids in the crowd were starting their own Bayley chants and overall, the crowd was very into Bayley’s offense. Liv had some athletic moves of her own including the Matrix and some roll through pin attempts. Finish saw a Belly To Bayley for the pin followed by Bayley embracing Liv in a show of sportswomanship.
* NXT Tag Team Champions Dash & Dawson beat The Hype Bros to retain: The people were, in fact, hype for this match. Dash & Dawson were taunting fans at ringside with Mojo then putting the fans over. Classic heel work by the champions cutting off the ring and keeping Mojo and later Zack isolated. A big comeback by the hypes including a Broski Boot and an attempted Hype Ryder before the champions stole the pin with a roll up on Mojo while Zack was tied up in the ropes.
Credit: JJ Williams and f4wonline.com