Former TNA star signed to YouPorn sponsorship deal
Earlier this month, when a pro wrestler named Joey Ryan used his penis to overpower an opponent, he had no idea it would turn him into an instant celebrity.
Though he probably shouldn’t have been surprised. After all, the 27-second clip of Ryan, uh, flexing his manhood during a match against the flamboyant Danshoku Dino is exactly the kind of thing that cuts through the clutter that clogs social media – ridiculous, slightly inexplicable, overtly sexual. That it featured a wrestler with an epic moustache (and took place in Japan) was merely icing on the cake. Naturally, the video went viral, and within days, Ryan was doing interviews with Vice and reading about his dong in the New York Daily News.
“It’s been kind of unbelievable,” he says. “Those 27 seconds have definitely changed my career.”
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