10/10 ROH TV Report (Sinclair Broadcasting Network)
by Bob Farrell
From the Shrine Auditorium in San Antonio TX
Kevin Kelly & Steve Corino on Commentary
Match Best of Five Series Match 4: ACH vs “(Two Wins) vs “Reborn” Matt Sydal (One win) Your referee is Paul Turner:
Shots are exchanged. ACH gets a kick in the head. **The commentators mention that ACH has the home field advantage being from Texas.**
ACH mocks Sydal with the peace sign to show he is up two wins to one
Commentary on this being a must win for Sydal. Not only for the match but NJPW and ROH officials are looking at this match. Also how ACH’s confidence comes off as cockiness int he locker room.
Tie up to Sydal hitting an arm drag Sydal takes ACH down with a headlock. ACH gets out of it and follows up with an arm drag
. Sydal head scissors ACH gets out of it. Sydal hits a drop kick ACH goes out to the floor. Sydal hits a drop kick under the bottom rope to ACH’s face. Matt slides out of the ring. Matt. holds the “peace sign” up in both hands. Chop fest on the floor. Sydal goes for for a back breaker. ACH bounces of the ropes and head scissors Matt on the floor. ACH does a swish sign. Back in the ring ACH drives Sydal into the turnbuckle. Dum-dum Stomp . ACH gets a two count. ACH focuses on the right arm of Sydal and gets another two-count commercial break
Commercial for ordering the replay of All Star Extravaganza VII
ACH hits a dropkick. Sydal hits trhe floor kick of the apron to Sydal’s head. The crowd is divided on who they want to cheer for. ACH jumps of the top rope to get to Sydal in the ring. Her gets a kick in the head from Matt. Sydal ACH tries for a back drop. Sydal reverses it. Matt hits a leg drop onto ACH for a two count.. Shots are are exchanged. ACH gets a kick in the head Turner checks to see if ACH can continue ACH misses an enzuigiri and catches Sydal with a second one. Sydal does a head scissors from the top rope. ACH no sells it. He hits a roaring elbow then a neck breaker to Sydal for a two count.** Commentary talks about Sydal and ACH’s friendship.**. ACH hits the get over here. ACH goes up for The Midnight Star”. Sydal rolls out to the floor. ACH somersaults over the ropes and lands on Sydal. Both men are down. ACH throws Sydal into the ring. Sydal hits two roaring knees ACH hits a brain-buster and then a midnight star onto Sydal’s knees. Sydal hits a shooting star press of the top rope for a three count.ACH and Sydal holds up peace signs at each other and shake hands. The Addiction (Daniels, Kazarian & Sabin) flock into the ring and start6s beating up both men. Celebrity rehab on Sydal and then on ACH. We go to commercial
Jay Lethal on a Health Alert Hot Line commercial ROH listing where they will be go to ROH wrestling.com for details.
Kazarian talks about how the tag team titles were stolen from the Addiction. He calls ROH a tyrannical dictatorship. Talks about how Texas is about justice. Daniels addressed the charlatans at ROH coping the KRD. and assaulting Chris Sabin’s character. States they were not beaten and still are the champs. Challenges he Kingdom to bring them their titles. The All Night Express comes out instead. Rhett Titus talks about how their is a new party in town the ANX party and they go all night long. Kenny King talks ab out how the ANX were the unpinned tag champ as were beaten by bureaucracy. The road to the tag team championship goes through ANX and we will take you on anytime any place anywhere. Both teams are in each others faces and we go to commercial.
A ROH DVD and video on demand commercial is followed by one for the Dalton Castle shirt. All are available on ROHwrestling.com
Next week: The All Night Express vs The Addiction
Talks about Dalton Castle vs Silas young match from All Star Extravaganza VII. Where Young got possession of ” The boys (Tate twins)
Silas Young comes out with the Tate Twins and a “The Beer City Bruiser” and a keg. They all enter the ring. Young told the Tate boys to get some wrestling gear on instead of the Dalton Castle. Young says the first lesson is how to take an “ass whipping.”The Bruiser and Young start beating up the Tate twins. Bruiser suplexes both Tate Twins. The boys move to avoid a frog splash. The boys do some of Dalton castle stick. Young comes in with a clothesline and the misery for the three count from Todd Sinclair. Young & Bruiser carries both boys to the back. Tv Title match Jay Lethal ( champion) vs Takaaki Wantanabe is next .
Truth Martini and Jay Lethal talks about the upcoming match. Lethal says he is going to teach Wantanabe to say ” Jay Lethal is the greatest wrestler in the world (in English)
Commercial for ROH on tour
Inside ROH with ” The Exotic Goddess” Mandy Leon Shows where Adam Cole turned his back on Kyle O’Reilly. Promo by ReDragon (Kyle O’Reilly and Bobby Fish. ) Fish calls Lethal ” The luckiest man on the face of this earth and, Adam Cole is the most wanted man on the earth.” He states that nobody crosses ReDragon and lives. O’Reilly says he feels sorry for Adam Cole. You chose to chase the dragon and you will see what happens next. What happens next is you having to take all your meals through a straw.
Promo by Adam Cole. He states that those who questioned what he did would think that Cole would do anything else. Cole talks about him being the next guy not O’Reilly. That he was jealous of O’Reilly while Cole was out due to shoulder surgery. The end of the tag title match from All Start Extravaganza VII is shown.
Next week on Inside ROH: the Kingdom tells us what their agenda is.
Back from commercial Takaaki Wantanabe comes out . A video is shown of the end of the four corns match where Wantanabe earned the Television
title shot.
Match For the World Television Championship: Jay Lethal ( World and Television champion) ) with Truth Martini vs Takaaki Wantanabe. Todd Sinclair is your referee. Jay Lethal comes out and **The commentators talk about how Lethal defended both belts at All Star Extravaganza VII**
Code of honor is observed Lethal hits a knee strike and they multiple kicks to Wantanabe’s guts in the corner. Wantanabe Hits a sidewalk slam for a one count
. ** The commentators mention next week : Adam Page vs Jay Briscoe in a no disqualification match.**
Wantanabe hits a suplex and a standing flip on Lethal for a two count. Lethal is getting chopped in the corner. Lethal goes outside and He gets trhrown back in by Wantanabe. Martini pulls Takaaki of the ring apron. lethal hits flying elbows to the floor on Wantanabe.. We go to commercial.
Back from commercial Lethal executes chops in the corner. Jay hits a suplex for a two count. Lethal pounds away on his opponent . Wantanaba is thrown out of the ring and then into the barricade. Wantanabe just makes it back into the ring before the ten count. A suplex by Lethal and repeated knee drops for a two count. Wantanabe hits some chops in the corner. Lethal kicks his challenger and gets a two count. Lethal gets whipped in opposite corners fivwe time in a row. Her hits a suplex on Lethal Letha hits a bicycle kick. He goes for the Lethal injection. Wantanabe blocks it and hits a clothes line. Two count on Lethal.. The Book of Truth is thrown in. Lethal hits a low blow while Todd Sinclair’s back is turned. Lethal hits the lethal injection for the win. Lehtal hold both titles up. The crowd starts chanting ” A J. Styles.”
Next week Adam Page vs Jay Briscoe in a no disqualification match