Triple H Talks to Josh and Sara, Brad Maddox Gimmick Update, Murdered Reporter Met The New Day
– WWE posted this video of Triple H wishing Tough Enough winners Sara and Josh good luck:
– Zack Ryder defeated Brad Maddox in a dark match at last night’s WWE TV tapings in Providence. Maddox is still doing his new “Joshua Kingsley” gimmick with blonde hair and a fake English accent. He cut a promo, said he was from London and quoted Shakespeare.
– Police in Virginia are currently looking for a man who murdered news reporter Alison Parker and cameraman Adam Ward live on the air in Franklin County this morning. Our thoughts go out with the families of both. Alison met WWE Superstars The New Day while doing a piece on WWE TV tapings last year, as seen below:
On @WDBJ7 I got to meet some WWE wrestlers at the @BerglundCenter! Bringing out my inner fighter 😀💪
— Alison Parker (@AParkerWDBJ7) November 17, 2014