Former WWE NXT Talent on Bill DeMott’s Reaction to His Complaint, Paige Speaking Out, More

Mar 5, 2015 - by Staff

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Former WWE NXT talent Austin Matelson (Judas Devlin) appeared on Vendetta Pro Radio this week to discuss the Bill DeMott controversy and WWE’s statement about a full investigation being completed after he filed a complaint. The full interview is at this link. Devlin said:

“WWE’s investigation into my claims allowed the accused Bill DeMott to interrogate me in his office…where he kept a gun.”

Here are the bullet points of what Judas stated in the interview:

* He claims to have emails from talent relations that prove they did not do a full investigation

* Talent relations wrote to him that, “the talent he named corresponded to a bottom five list to be fired.” This seemed to coincidental to be true and if they (the talent) wanted to tell their story to call them (talent relations) because, “that’s what real men do”

* Talent relations betrayed Judas’s trust and told Coach Bill DeMott of his letter

* DeMott interrogated Judas in his office, where Judas claims, that he held a gun inside his desk that talent such as Konnor and Rusev had also previously seen

* Judas being alone with the man he claimed was the bully, Bill DeMott’s questions in fear of his life

* This denial led talent relations to drop the investigation into his complaint as they felt he was not speaking the truth to both sides

* Judas claims that telling DeMott he sent documents to get him fired could have led Bill to hurt him, maybe even snap and use the gun. Judas was frightened and felt completely alone in the matter

* Judas claims that only a handful of talent was called about the matter and afraid to come forward because their careers depended on silence

* No talent has once denied that any of Judas’s claims are true-

* Judas claims that after his first rushed surgery a talent meeting was held with DeMott and talent relations and they asked anyone with a problem to stand up. Only Paige stood up to complain about harassment from the strength coach

* Judas Claims the month after Bill found out about his human resources letter was complete hell

* DeMott stopped talent from riding to shows with Judas

* DeMott began to use “Judas’s HR letter” as a punchline with talent at practice

* DeMott called Judas a “pussy” for writing this complaint

* Judas claims to be very offended by the continual use of anti-gay language by DeMott

* He claimed that he was pitched as a member of the Wyatt family by Dusty Rhodes but Bill allegedly said “Judas was too gay for that spot”

* Judas then was rushed into two hip surgeries without being given a full medical investigation

* Judas was then paid to live in Los Angeles and rehab for almost 2 years and could not speak out for fear of losing his healthcare

* Judas was on the verge of early retirement based on WWE medical’s opinions but went to his own doctor and received a spinal MRI

* This separate doctor told Judas that he had a herniated disc causing symptoms in his hip

* Judas attempted to take this MRI to WWE lawyers but they wanted nothing to do with it

* Judas parted ways with company this past fall and began his own rehab on his back

* Now Judas claims he is 100 percent healthy and has a second chance at wrestling, and wants to help future talent avoid the pitfalls that he went through

* Judas implores WWE and talent to speak up against the ongoing injustices of DeMott. Saying “Silence makes losers of us all”

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