9/7 WWE Live In State College, Pennsylvania Results
1. Stardust & Goldust defeat Los Matadores. Mostly a comedic match with the crowd very into it
2. Adrian Neville defeated Tyler Breeze to retain the NXT championship. Breeze cut a heel promo beforehand about being gorgeous & us being ugly
3. Sin Cara beat Heath Slater in a dance off. They put on Penn States fight song for Sin Cara. Titus O’Neil cut a heel promo afterwards about PSU being losers before Sin Cara beat him in a quick match
4. Sheamus beats Cesaro to retain the US title. Crowd very behind Sheamus and he even came into the crowd afterwards
5. Paige defeated Natalya to retain the Divas title after a roll up pin
6. The Great Khali and Usos defeat the Wyatt Family. Crowd very behind Khali as he picks up the pin. Jey continued to work the leg injury
7. John Cena defeated Kane after putting him through a table and getting the pin
Note: Overall a good show. Crowd was not as full as in January.