AJ Lee and CM Punk wedding photo leaked
A photo of CM Punk and AJ Lee from their wedding day was leaked online on the day that several celebrities had their iCloud accounts hacked and
several nude and personal photos were splashed all over the Internet. Punk was none too happy about the photo being released and expressed his
frustration in a Twitter message. “Tweet that pic and I block you. Simple. And I block you because I can’t punch you in your disrespectful f@@king
face. Pigs,” he wrote. He later took down the tweet. The photo shows a clean-shaven Punk smiling with his wife also smiling as they are posing
with others but the photo is cropped to show only Punk and AJ in her wedding dress. You can see the photo (it might be
removed anytime) at http://w-o.it/1zZMYSk
(Thanks to Colin Vassallo)