
– The 2014 TNA Sacrifice pay-per-view kicks off with a video package for tonight’s main event. We’re live from the Impact Zone in Orlando as Mike Tenay welcomes us. We go to the ring.
Handicap Match for the TNA Tag Team Titles: The Wolves vs. BroMans and Zema Ion
Out first comes DJ Zema Ion. He says they are going to make The Wolves howl in pain tonight. The TNA Tag Team Champions Robbie E and Jessie Godderz are out next. Out next comes Eddie Edwards and Davey Richards to a nice pop.
Edwards takes the mic and cuts a promo before the match. He talks about how BroMans have done anything they can do to get disqualified but tonight is going to be different. Edwards hands a piece of paper to Christy Hemme for her to read. She announces that per Director of Operations MVP, this match is a No Disqualification match. The bell rings and The Wolves take out Zema and unload on BroMans. They clear the ring.
The Wolves throw Zema out onto his partners. The Wolves leap out next and take them all three down. The Wolves double team Zema with flying shots in the corner now. More double teaming on Zema. Jessie comes in and also gets double teamed. Robbie breaks a pin but finds himself getting double teamed now. They beat Robbie down with chops and kicks in the corner. Davey throws Robbie into a flying knee from Eddie. Zema smacks Eddie with his laptop. Jessie drops Eddie over the fan barrier. BroMans stand over Eddie in the ring now. Fans chant “you suck” as Jessie covers for a 2 count. Jessie with a big powerslam on Eddie. Robbie tags in and drops a big elbow for another 2 count.
Zema comes in and keeps control of Eddie. Edwards gets triple teamed in the corner. Robbie comes back in and keeps Edwards down. Eddie breaks out of a hold from Jessie and knocks Robbie off the apron. Edwards slams Jessie and looks to rag in Davey. Zema pulls Davey off the apron and stops the tag. They stop the tag again and keep Eddie in their corner. BroMans triple team Eddie on the floor now. Eddie hits a double hurricanrana. He takes Zema out with an enziguri. Davey comes in and cleans house. Davey takes out all three opponents and nails a double missile dropkick from the top. Zema accidentally hits Jessie with the laptop. Eddie and Davey double team Robbie with double knees from a powerbomb. Wolves hit double stomps on Jessie for the win and the titles.
Winners and New TNA Tag Team Champions: The Wolves
– Jeremy Borash is backstage in front of a padded van. Samuel Shaw appears and says he won’t let himself get thrown into the van and be committed tonight. He dedicates this match to his mother Christy.
– We get a video looking at the Ken Anderson vs. Samuel Shaw feud with Christy Hemme.
Committed Match: Samuel Shaw vs. Ken Anderson
We go to the ring and Samuel Shaw comes out. There is no ring announcing from Christy Hemme for this one. Ken Anderson is out next and he hits the ring without doing his own introduction from the ramp.
The bell rings and Shaw plays cat & mouse. Hemme is actually at ringside but didn’t announce. Shaw grabs her and shoves her into Anderson. Shaw tries for a sucker punch but Anderson drops him. Anderson with right hands and a shot into the apron. Anderson brings it in the ring and keeps control. Anderson with a big press and a clothesline over the top rope. Anderson follows but Shaw pulls him face first into the apron. Shaw has words with the referee. Shaw charges and misses, ending up on the floor. Anderson follows and works him over on the floor.
Anderson tries to block Shaw’s choke on the floor. Shaw gets it applied and Anderson starts to go out. Anderson gets choked out on the floor it appears. Hemme looks on concerned. Shaw stalks Hemme into the ring and grabs her hand. Hemme slaps him and leaves the ring. Anderson is back and unloads on Shaw in the ring. Shaw starts crawling up the ramp after Hemme. Anderson brings him back and slams him into the barrier. Anderson continues beating Shaw up on the ramp. Anderson goes for a Mic Check off the ramp but Shaw fights him off. Anderson with the senton on the ramp.
Anderson tells Shaw they’re going for a little ride and they move to the side of the stage. Anderson grabs a steel chair and works Shaw over with it. Anderson whips Shaw into and through a part of the fan barrier. Anderson beats Shaw into the backstage area. We see JB prepping for an interview. Anderson tells JB to ask Shaw some questions. Anderson answers for Shaw and slams him onto a push cart. Anderson pushes the cart out of the building to the parking lot area. Anderson shoves the cart into a stack of cases and Shaw hits hard. Anderson checks out the padded van and Shaw nails him from behind. Hemme approaches and Shaw drops Anderson. Hemme flirts with Shaw and tells him it’ll be ok. She knees him below the belt and the crowd cheers. Shaw turns around to Anderson. Anderson hits a Mic Check into the bumper of the van. Anderson tosses Shaw in and closes the van doors for the win.
Winner: Ken Anderson
– After the match, Hemme celebrates with Anderson as his music hits. Anderson and Hemme signal for the van to drive off and it leaves with Shaw in the back.
– JB is backstage with Ethan Carter III and Rockstar Spud. Ethan says Kurt Angle has beaten legends before but one person he won’t beat is EC3. Spud has words for Willow and that’s it.
Rockstar Spud and Ethan Carter III vs. Willow and Kurt Angle
We go to the ring and out first is Rockstar Spud. Ethan Carter III is out next. Kurt Angle is out next followed by Willow.
Angle starts things out with Ethan as the bell rings. Ethan stalls. Angle backs Ethan into the corner and he tags in Spud. Spud hesitates but finally comes in. Angle challenges Ethan to come in and the crowd pops. Ethan finally comes in and they go at it. Angle with leg sweeps and an ankle lock early on. Ethan dives and tags in Spud. Spud and Ethan argue at ringside. Willow leaps off with his umbrella and takes them out. Angle takes control of Ethan and hits a belly to belly suplex on the floor. Angle charges at Ethan but he moves and Angle hits the ring steps. Willow corners Spud but Ethan makes the save and they double team him. Willow fights them both off and takes them down from the top.
More offense from Willow on Spud and a 2 count as Ethan makes the save. Spud works over Willow now. Ethan tags in for more double teaming. Ethan with a 2 count on Willow. Angle is still down on the floor from hitting the steps. Ethan with a big splash on Willow in the corner. Ethan with another 2 count. Ethan blocks a Twist of Fate with the help of Spud. Angle makes it back in the ring and hits a trio of Germans on Ethan. Angle goes for the ankle lock but Spud jumps on his back. Angle rams Spud into the corner and hits a big belly to belly. Angle with another ankle lock on Spud but Ethan takes Angle’s knee out. Ethan works on Angle’s leg but Willow makes the save. Willow with the takedown and double leg drop. Willow splashes Ethan in the corner and throws Spud into him. Willow jumps off Spud’s back and hits Ethan in the floor. More back and forth. The end come when Angle hits an Olympic Slam on Spud. Willow with the senton on Spud for the pin.
Winners: Willow and Kurt Angle
– After the match, Angle and Ethan stare each other down as Spud crawls up the ramp.
– We see Eric Young backstage earlier today with comments on tonight’s main event. Young says he’s doing it for everyone who was ever told no or you’re not good enough.
– We see Knux and his sister riding in the car. He says they’re going to pick up two friends – Crazy Steve and The Freak. She’s not so sure about this.
– We get a promo for tonight’s X Division Title Match
Best of 3 Final for the TNA X Division Title: Tigre Uno vs. Sanada
We go to the ring and out first comes Tigre Uno. The TNA X Division Champion Sanada is out next.
Lots of back and forth to start. They have a stand off and go back at it. Sanada sends Uno to the floor. He comes back in and they trade holds on the apron. Sanada rolls Uno around the ring for a 2 count. Uno turns it around with a big arm drag and a submission. Uno with more offense and a 2 count. Uno works on the leg now. Uno with a crazy looking arm/neck submission now. Sanada comes back with a submission of his own. Uno counters out. Uno goes for a springboard but Sanada dropkicks him out of mid-air.
Sanada with a 2 count. Uno blocks a dragon suplex. More back and forth. Uno sends Sanada out to the floor and leaps out with a twisting knee to the head. Uno brings it back in the ring and Sanada fights back. Uno drops him with a kick to the back of the head. Sanada blocks a move from the top. Sanada springboards in and takes Uno back off his feet. Sanada springboards in with another chop. More counters. Uno with a big release suplex, throwing Sanada into the corner. Uno with a 2 count. Uno goes up but Sanada cuts him off. Sanada with a top rope hurricanrana. Sanada with a tiger suplex for a 2 count. Sanada goes for a moonsault but lands on his feet. Uno counters another suplex and rolls Sanada up for 2. More back and forth. Uno nails a high cradle into a spike. Uno goes to the top but misses a Sabretooth splash. Sanada goes up top and nails a moonsault for the win.
Winner: Sanada
– JB is backstage with James Storm for comments on tonight’s I Quit Match. We also get a video package for the match.
I Quit Match: James Storm vs. Gunner
We go to the ring and out first comes James Storm. Gunner is out next to a pop.
They meet in the middle after the bell rings. They have words and Storm strikes first. Gunner fights back and they go to the corner, trading shots. Gunner tosses Storm across the ring and clotheslines him. Gunner with right hands now. Storm ends up clotheslining Gunner out to the floor and part of the barrier falls on him. Storm stomps on Gunner and tells the referee to see if he wants to quit. Storm brings over part of the steel steps and positions it. Storm with right hands and a big uppercut. Storm goes to slam Gunner into the steps but he blocks it. Storm also blocks shots. Finally Gunner slams Storm’s face into the steps.
Gunner looks under the ring and brings a trash can out as Storm rolls back in the ring. Gunner throws a kendo stick and the trash can in the ring. Storm meets him with a knee to the head. Storm brings Gunner in the ring with a cutter but Gunner’s not ready to quit. More offense from Storm but Gunner won’t give up. Storm continues to dominate. Gunner blocks a clothesline and drops Storm. Gunner runs into a boot but drops Storm with a running high knee. Gunner with trash can lid shots now. Storm fights back with a trash can lid of his own and they beat each other with trash can lids. The crowd cheers. Gunner nails Storm with a whole trash can and he goes down.
Gunner with a diving headbutt but Storm won’t give up. Gunner charges in the corner but Storm moves and Gunner’s shoulder hits the ring post. Storm drops Gunner’s face on the steel steps with a DDT. The crowd chants for one more and Gunner won’t give up. Storm rolls him back in the ring. Storm brings a beer bottle from under the ring. Gunner gets up but Storm knocks him back down with the bottle. Fans chant for “one more beer” and Gunner won’t quit. Gunner is bleeding bad from one side of his head now. Storm puts him in a Boston crab but Gunner refuses to give up. He makes it to the bottom rope and the hold is broken for some reason. Storm shove the referee across the ring and puts a boot to his neck and takes off his belt. Storm whips Gunner repeatedly with the belt but Gunner won’t give up. He tells Storm to piss off. Gunner finally fights back and unloads on Storm. More back and forth. Gunner hits his finisher three times but Storm won’t quit. They end up on the top. Storm headbutts Gunner back to the mat. Gunner comes right back with a big chair shot. Gunner hits a huge superplex and drops Storm on top of part of the fan barrier and a chair in the middle of the ring. Fans chant as Gunner gets to his knees. Gunner grabs a piece of glass and yells at Storm to give up or he will cut him. Gunner stabs Storm in the forehead and he gives up.
Winner: Gunner
– JB is backstage with Angelina Love and Velvet Sky. Angelina says she’s like Mother Theresa only way hotter She says she came back to TNA like a gift. They rip Madison Rayne. Angelina says the Knockouts desperately need a makeover and she’s going to win the title tonight.
Knockouts Title Match: Angelina Love vs. Madison Rayne
We go to the ring and out first comes Angelina Love with Velvet Sky. TNA Knockouts Champion Madison Rayne is out next.
They go at it and lock up. Madison slams Angelina and slaps the back of her head. Madison sends Angelina to the floor after a series of arm drags. Angelina comes back in and Madison keeps control. Madison with shoulder blocks. Angelina blocks the head scissors and goes to the floor. Madison with a baseball slide. Angelina sweeps Madison on the apron and takes control. Angelina with a 2 count. Angelina with right hands now. Angelina distracts the referee and Velvet gets in some cheap shots. Angelina with a 2 count. Angelina runs into an elbow. Madison with a sunset flip for a 2 count. Angelina comes right back with a clothesline.
Angelina dropkicks Madison in the back of the head and sends her to the floor. Velvet rolls her back in. 2 count for Angelina. More back and forth now. Madison finally makes a comeback and does her scissors stomp into the mat. Angelina goes back to the floor to regroup. Madison leaps out and takes out Velvet and Angelina with a crossbody. They come back in and Angelina hits the Botox Injection for a close 2 count. Angelina goes up top but misses a crossbody. Madison nails a spear. The referee is distracted by Velvet shaking her rear. Madison catches hairspray in the face from Velvet. Angelina gets the win with a roll-up.
Winner and New TNA Knockouts Champion: Angelina Love
– JB is backstage with Bully Ray for comments on tonight’s Tables Match. Ray says he doesn’t want to talk, he just wants to fight Bobby Roode. Ray gives props to Roode for being a top wrestler but says this is a fight. Ray says people are begging him to put Roode’s Canadian ass through a table. Ray gets a “tables” chant going in the arena. We get a video package for the match.
Tables Match: Bully Ray vs. Bobby Roode
We go to the ring and out first comes Bobby Roode. Bully Ray is out next to a pop.
Fans start chanting for tables. Ray and Roode come face to face in the middle of the ring and talk trash. A “sh*t factor” chant breaks out. They go at it and Ray takes it to the corner. Ray drops Roode with a big elbow to the head. Ray goes to get the tables and the fans pop. Ray sets up two tables on the floor. He comes back in and Roode unloads, sending Ray back out to the floor. Roode works Ray over now. Ray counters and whips Roode into the ring post. Roode clotheslines Ray after he sets up a table. Ray slides one table into the ring and Roode grabs him again. They come back in and Roode stomps away in the corner. Roode leans a table in the corner. Ray scoops Roode to put him through the table but Roode slides out and hits a dropkick.
Roode keeps control and nails a neckbreaker. Roode stands up a table in front of the corner. More back and forth. Roode with a knee to the gut. Roode tries to suplex Ray through the table but Ray counters with a suplex of his own. Roode with another comeback and a blockbuster. Roode stomps away on Ray. Roode goes for a powerbomb through the table and mocks Ray. Ray blocks the powerbomb and backdrops Roode. Roode blocks a shot and drops Ray over the top rope. Roode charges but Ray catches him. Roode blocks a shot through the table. Ray with a huge chop, and another that knocks Roode down.
Roode slides out of a powerbomb. More back and forth. Ray catches Roode and powerbombs him through the table but the referee got hit by Roode’s boot when Ray lifted him. The referee is down. A “ref you suck” chant starts up. Fans chant “one more time” and Bully goes outside of the ring for another table. He brings it back in as the referee is still down but starting to wake up. Ray sets up another table. Roode counters and nails a spinebuster. Roode goes for a Roode Bomb through the table but Ray blocks it. Ray runs into an elbow. Roode comes off the top rope but Ray catches him in mid-air with a cutter. They go back to the floor. Roode ends up on top of the two tables that were set up earlier. Bully goes to the apron and gets the crowd hype. Bully then goes to the second turnbuckle. Before he can jump off, one of the cameramen come from behind and pushes Ray through the table. The camera flashes like there was some kind of glitch. We see that the cameraman was actually Dixie Carter dressed up. Dixie yells at Ray and kicks him, now we really knows it’s her by the voice. A “Dixie sucks” chant starts as she takes off her hat, glasses and beard. Dixie shoves the beard in Ray’s mouth and tells him to never double-cross her again. Dixie calls Ray a piece of trash. Fans boo as Dixie says that felt good. Dixie’s music hits and she walks up the ramp. We see Ray still laid out in the broken table as Roode looks on. Dixie’s music is still playing. There’s been no match result announced yet. Roode walks past Ray on his way up the ramp. Roode raises his arm and his music finally starts playing.
Winner: Bobby Roode
– JB is backstage with Magnus. He says he stands alone now. He calls Eric Young a joke and a phony champion. Magnus says he’s going to take back what’s his tonight. We get a video package for the match.
World Heavyweight Title Match: Magnus vs. Eric Young
We go to the ring and out first comes Magnus. TNA World Heavyweight Champion Eric Young is out next to a decent reaction. JB does formal ring introductions before the match.
USA chants start the match. They meet in the middle of the ring and have words. Young takes control early on and walks across Magnus’ back. Back and forth until Magnus takes control and dominates. Magnus keeps EY grounded now. Magnus with a big running knee. Magnus with more stomps. Fans chant for EY.
Young finally comes back with a jawbreaker but Magnus sweeps him and applies a Camel Clutch. They break and both collide in mid-air with crossbodies. They both go down and the referee counts. They get back up at the 8 count and trade shots. They run the ropes and EY hits a flying forearm and a clothesline. More back and forth. Magnus blocks a piledriver but EY nails a belly to belly suplex. EY goes for a moonsault but Magnus moves. Magnus with a chokeslam. Magnus goes to the top and nails the elbow drop for a 2 count.
EY with another comeback. He goes to the top and nails an elbow drop of his own. 2 count for EY. Magnus with a cloverleaf submission now. Young makes it to the bottom rope. Young ducks a clothesline. Young applies a Sharpshooter but doesn’t get it in all the way. Magnus makes it to the bottom rope. Young goes to the top but Magnus catches him and drives him to the mat for another 2 count. Magnus goes under the ring and brings a crowbar into the ring. The referee takes it from him. Magnus goes for a low kick but EY counters and hits the piledriver for a close 2 count. Magnus blocks a piledriver and tries to nail one of his own. EY blocks it and catapults Magnus into the corner. EY nails another piledriver. EY goes to the top and hits the big elbow drop for the win.
Winner: Eric Young
– After the match, Young has his hand raised and celebrates with the World Heavyweight Title. We go to replays. Sacrifice goes off the air with Young playing up to the crowd.