Daniels compares TNA to WWE, addresses video game rumor, and more
ESPN.com posted an interview with Christopher Daniels ahead on Sunday’s TNA Lockdown PPV. Here a few excerpts:
ESPN: There are a lot of rumors floating around that TNA has been meeting with Activision in hopes of signing a video game deal. How big would that be to the company?
Daniels: It’s exciting news for the company. I was involved in the making of our first game years ago, and as a wrestler, to be a part of a video game, to me, was a very big deal. I hope that the plans come through for the video game, and I look forward to see what comes from that. The gaming community is an integral part of professional wrestling fandom. There’s such a big crossover between gamers and professional wrestling fans, so it would be a very big deal for us to finally get another game out on the market.
Q. For fans who haven’t tuned in to TNA yet, what do you think helps differentiate your show from what WWE brings?
Daniels: The TNA roster is made up of guys who are hungry and who are looking to make their break on the national scene, who may or may not have had that opportunity in WWE. What I think differentiates us is I feel like we’re a little more action-packed. I feel like we have the most talented roster in professional wrestling, and we have guys like Bobby Roode, James Storm, and Kurt Angle, then we have myself and my partner Frankie Kazarian, and I feel like we’re the best tag team in the business right now, and to me, TNA puts more of a priority on the in-ring action. I think you’ll see a lot more great wrestling in TNA than anywhere else in the world.