WWE Business History (1994 – 2011)
Year | Total Revenue | Profit/Loss |
94-95 | $87,352,000 | -$4,431,000 |
95-96 | $85,815,000 | $3,319,000 |
96-97 | $81,863,000 | $6,505,000 |
97-98 | $126,231,000 | $8,466,000 |
98-99 | $251,474,000 | $56,030,000 |
99-00 | $373,100,000 | $68,937,000 |
00-01 | $456,043,000 | $15,987,000* |
01-02 | $409,622,000 | $42,233,000** |
02-03 | $374,264,000 | -$19,455,000*** |
03-04 | $374,909,000 | $48,192,000 |
04-05 | $366,431,000 | $39,147,000**** |
05-06 | $400,051,000 | $47,047,000***** |
’06 | $262,937,000 | $31,617,000****** |
’07 | $485,700,000 | $52,137,000******* |
’08 | $526,457,000 | $45,416,000 |
’09 | $475,161,000 | $50,303,000 |
’10 | $477,655,000 | $53,452,000 |
’11 | $483,921,000 | $24,832,000******* |
* Wrestling profit was $84,981,000, but WWE’s share of the 50% of the XFL losses (the other 50% was covered by NBC) was $68,994,000
** Wrestling profit was $42,498,000; also figured in was a tax break of $4,638,000 for shutting down the XFL; offset by $4,903,000 in losses for the year from the operation and closing of The World Restaurant
*** Wrestling profit was $16,362,000; offset by losses of $35,557,000 through operation and closing of The World Restaurant.
**** Wrestling profit was $37,778,000; also figured in was a tax break of $1,369,000 for shutting down The World Restaurant; Not figured into the bottom line were $28,340,000 in expenses on producing two movies and $8,078,000 in other expenses and liabilities amortized over time
***** Not figured into the bottom line were $7,323,000 in expenses on early production costs of one movie
****** An eight-month fiscal year total. For a comparison, prorated over 12 months, the revenues would figure to be $394,405,500 and profits at of $47,425,500, so numbers were equivalent to the prior year, but without a Wrestlemania figured in. The figure doesn’t include $17,466,000 in costs of one movie and $2,726,000 in costs of purchasing videotape libraries.
*******Does include $16,000,000 in profits and movies “The Marine” and “See No Evil” and $15,700,000 in losses for “The Condemned.”
*******Includes $23,400,000 in losses in the movie division and $4,000,000 in start-up costs for the new WWE Network.
source: The Wrestling Observer Newsletter