May 3, 200
RVD Vs. Eddie Gurrero for the Intercontinental title
Winner: RVD by DQ.
Trish and Jacqueline Vs Jazz and Molly
Winners: Jacqueline and Trish, Stratisfaction by Trish and a tornado DDT by Jacqueline for a double pin.
Bradshaw Vs X Pac
Winner: X Pac, X factor for pin.
Steven Richards Vs Booker T for the Hardcore Title
Booker T beat Steven Richards with a bookend for a pin, Crash runs out beats Booker T (24-7 rule)with a school boy, then Tommy Dreamer and Aldo Montoya run out put a table in the ring for Booker T, They try to beat him but he gets the better of the two then Jazz runs out with a low blow to Booker T to allow Steven to attempt to put Booker through the table but it doesn’t break, near fall, attempts the table again it works for the final pin. (Booker T, Crash, Booker T, Steven Richards)
Hardy Boyz Vs Brock Lesnar and Shawn Stasiak
Winners: Hardy Boyz with the Twist of Fate and swanton on stasiak for the pin, Brock attacks everyone after the match and leaves everyone laying.
William Regal Vs Spike Dudley for the European Title
Winner: Spike Dudley with a cradle for the pin, Regal hits him with the brass knuckles after the match.
Big Show Vs Steve Austin
Winner: Austin with 2 stunners for a pin.
Undertaker Vs HHH
Winner: HHH with the Pedigree for the pin.