Ground Zero
September 8, 1997 – Louisville, KY
Louisville Gardens
1. Winner Gets Marlena Match (If Goldust wins Pillman Retieres, if Pillman wins he gets Marlena for 30 days)
Brian Pillman def. Goldust via Pin Fall after Pillman blocks the purse shot from Marlena, Pillman takes the purse and hits Goldust and knocks him out.
*After Match: They Show Pillman forcing Marlena out of the arena and upon Goldust coming to him trying to catch up with Pillman and Marlena, and chases them out of the parking lot area.
2. Brian Christopher def. Scott Putski via Injury after a Vaulting Body Press in which case hurt Putski;s knee making him un-able to continue.
3. Triple Threat Match
Savio Vega Def. Crush and Faarooq after Crush Hits Faarooq with the Heart Punch, and Savio hits Crush with the Spinning Heel Kick
4. Max Mini def. El Torito via Pin Fall after a Sun Set Flip
5. Tag Team Title Segment
Due to an Injury Stone Cold Steve Austin suffered at Summer Slam he couldn’t wrestle until after his full rehab, there fore Stone Cold Steve Austin & Dude Love are forced to relinquish the Tag Titles. Dude Love comes out and peacefully, yet regrettably relinquishes his half, then Austin comes out and Insults Jim Ross, Commissioner Slaughter, and Vince McMahon. Jim Ross then Wishes Austin a Quick and speedy Rehab, and Austin delivers the Stone Cold Stunner to him. As officials enter the Ring dude love detains Austin in the Far corner, they then force Austin to leave ring side.
6. 4 Corner Elimination Match For the Tag Titles
Legion of Doom (Hawk & Animal) Vs The Godwinn’s (Henry & Phineues) Vs The Head Bangers (Mosh & Thrasher) Vs Owen Hart & the British Bulldog
1st fall Legion of Doom by DQ after using the Slop bucket of the Godwinn’s
2nd fall The Godwinn’s via Pin Fall, after Thrasher gave Phineous a Sun Set Flip
3rd fall Owen Hart and The British Bulldog Via Pin Fall after a Run-In by Stone cold Steve Austin and delivers a Stunner to Owen Hart and Thrasher Pins Owen
The Head Bangers Win the WWE TAG TEAM TITLES
7. World Title Match
Bret Hart def. The Patriot via Submission with the Sharp Shooter
*After Match: Hart continues to beat up Patriot and then Rips the American Flag off of the flag pole and Begins to Choke the Patriot with the Flag. The Refs finally get the Flag from him, and he then attacks Pat Paterson, and then stomps The Patriot o few more times and then leaves the Ring. Bret Hart is then Caught in the Back and told that he may have just won this Match, but the War is Just Beginning, Hart along with the British Bulldog, go on to say that ALL Americans are losers, and Names off the biggest American wrestling stars. Bulldog then says that Canadians will win this war.
8. HBK Vs The Undertaker (No Contest, Double DQ)
*After Match: HHH, HBK, and Chyna Continue to beat on the Undertaker, after HBK delivers the Sweet Chin Music to Undertaker his arms become entangled in the ropes, HBK attempts a Chair shot Undertaker kicks the char and Frees his arms, and then delivers a Tombstone Piledriver to HHH. HBK attacks undertaker from behind with a fore arm shot, as more officials hit the ring, HBK Super kicks an official, and Undertaker hits one. Then numerous superstars including (Brian Crhistopher, Jessie James, Billy Gunn, The Sultan, Vader, Hawk, Animal, Los Boriquas, Disciples of Apocalypse, Nation of Domination, The Godwinâ’s, and The Headbangers) all come out to the ring, to help separate the 2, one group singles out the Undertaker and holds him to the Ropes, the other group grabs HHH, HBK, and Chyna out side the ring. Undertaker then Breaks free and delivers a Diving body splash over the Top rope, and takes out 10 superstars, HHH, HBK, and Chyna then get up and run up the Ramp, as the Large Group of superstars stands at the base of the ramp, the Undertakers gets back into the ring, and dose his Trademark celebratory move as the show goes off the air.