Sunday, June 8th in Southhaven, MS
(1) X Division Title: Petey Williams (c) vs Kaz. Williams is wearing a face guard. Nice back and forth action with tons of counters. Steiner and Rhaka Khan are at ringside with Petey. Khan came in the ring and took a dropkick from Kaz. Petey used a pipe on Kaz but only got a two count. Kaz is a bloody mess. Petey hits the Canadian Destroyer for the win.
– After the match Steiner, Khan and Petey tripled teamed Kaz. Abyss then came down making his return. He is wearing a mental institute outfit and a new style grey mask. He Black Hole Slams all three of them and leaves.
– Eric Young then showed up and ringside and said Elvis will be here tonight.
– Borash interviews Kevin Nash backstage. He talks about being the enforcer for the main event.
(2) Velvet Sky, Angelina Love & Moose vs Gail Kim, Roxxi & ODB. Mickie Knuckles name is now Moose but her gear still says Knuckles on it and looks very indy. This match is sloppy. Moose has messed up several moves already. ODB pins Moose with a powerslam for the win. Really bad match overall.
– A video hyping Rhino is shown.
– Backstage Lauren interviews Rhino. He talks about the main event.
(3) TNA World Tag Team Titles: LAX (c) vs Team 3D. Very boring match. Man this is going way too long. Salinas jumps off the top and headbutts Brother Ray in the groin. Homicide rolls up Brother Ray for the win.
– A video hyping Robert Roode is shown.
– Borash interviews Robert Roode backstage.
– Serena Deeb and Josie who have both worked for OVW and SHIMMER come forward and Kong chooses to face Serina.
(4) Awesome Kong’s open challenge for $25,000. Awesome Kong vs Serena Deeb. Kong squashes her and gets the win with the Muscle Buster.
– Josie jumps over the rail and hammers away on Kong. Kong goes to punch her but misses and hits the ring post.
(5) Awesome Kong’s 2nd open challenge for $25,000. Kong takes off her gloves and beats the stuffing out of Josie. Kong hits the Awesome Bomb for the pin.
– Eric Young comes out with Kong still in the ring and introduces Elvis. An Elvis impersonator comes out and cuts a promo to a round of boos. He gets in the ring and asks Kong what she thought of Graceland. Kong kicks him in the gut and gives him an Awesome Bomb.
– A video hyping Christian Cage is shown.
– Lauren interviews Cage backstage where he talks about the main event.
– A video previewing the Jay Lethal / SoCal Val wedding is shown.
– The groomsmen are introduced. Ace Young, Jake the Snake, George Steele, Kamala, Koko B. Ware with Frankie and Sonjay Dutt.
– Jay Lethal then comes out dressed in a gold and white tux with Machoesque tassles and a gold cowboy hat.
– SoCal Val is then introduced.
– Dutt stops the wedding and says he is in love with Val. Dutt picks up a piece of the wedding set and breaks it over Lethal’s back. The legends all come in for the save and take turns beating Dutt down. Jake pulls out the snake and throws it on top of Dutt. George Steele then goes nuts and eats the turnbuckles. The crowd sat on their hands the entire time. This was a total waste of time.
– A video hyping Booker T is shown.
– Backstage Borash interviews Booker T where he talks about the main event.
– A video preview for Styles vs Angle is shown.
(6) Kurt Angle vs AJ Styles. Really good match with a ton of nice counters. Tomko gets tossed out by the referee Earl Hebner. Karen Angle comes down with a chair and acts like she is going to give it to Kurt but pulls it back when he goes for it. AJ rolls up Angle into a Styles Clash and gets the win.
– After the match Angle takes the chair and nails Styles. security comes down but Tomko takes them all out and they double team Styles.
– A video hyping Samoa Joe is shown.
– Lauren interviews Samoa Joe backstage where he talks about the main event.
(7) King of the Mountain for the TNA World Title with Kevin Nash as special enforcer: Samoa Joe (c) vs Booker T vs Christian Cage vs Rhino vs Robert Roode. Typical all over the place brawl as these matches always are. Christian looks to have injured his leg. Cage is back up so I guess he is ok. This is good but the crowd is pretty dead. Christian nails a frog splash off the penalty box on to Joe and Booker. Booker almost has it won but Nash stops him. Joe hangs the belt, wins and retains his title.
– A promo airs for next month’s Victory Road PPV.
Written by: Chris Johnson
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