Chi-Town Rumble
UIC Pavillion, Chicago, IL
1. Michael P.S. Hayes pinned Russian Assassin #1 in 15:48.
2. Sting pinned Hacksaw Butch Reed in 20:06.
3. The Midnight Express & Jim Cornette beat the New Original Midnight Express & Paul E. Dangerously in 15:54.
4. Mike Rotunda pinned NWA TV champion Rick Steiner in 16:21 to win the title.
5. “The Total Package” Lex Luger pinned U.S. champ Barry Windham in 10:43 to win the title.
6. NWA tag team champs the Road Warriors beat “Dr. Death” Steve Williams & “Gamesmaster” Kevin Sullivan in 8:26.
7. Ricky “The Dragon” Steamboat pinned NWA champ Ric Flair in 23:07 to win the title.