Female of the Day

Audrey Bride

Feb 9, 2017 - by Steve Gerweck

Real name: Adrienn Urban
Height: 5’6” – 167 cm
Weight: 115 lbs – 52 kg
Wrestling Debut: 03-11-2011
Hometown: Budapest, Hungary
e-mail: audrey.hcw.bride@gmail.com
Facebook personal: https://www.facebook.com/adrienn.urban.35
Facebook fanpage: https://www.facebook.com/Audrey-Bride-445493182276763/
Instagram: audrey_bride

Trainers/Seminars: Dover (HCW), Icarus (HCW), Gabriel Angelryre (PWH), Tengkwa (PWH), Kenzo Richards, Tommy End, Matt Cross

Entrance Music: Kill Matilda – „She’s a Killer” (Canada-Vancouver) Signatures: Flatliner, Jumping DDT, Crossbody, Spartan Kick, Superplex

Finisher: Sliced Bread #2 (Shiranui); Downward Spiral

About me: Audrey is the first ever Hungarian female wrestler. Don’t be fooled by her good looks! Audrey is as dangerous as she is beautiful! Having trained at the HCW Dojo in Budapest. She made her pro debut in late 2011. She scored a massive victory over TNA newcomer Alpha Female in a Hungarian wresling show of 2013.” (RWA roster information)
I was fortunate enough to wrestle talents like: Alpha Female (Germany; single match) Nikki Storm (Scotland; single match) Leah Owens (Northern Ireland; triple threat) Hikaru Shida (Japan; triple threat)

Nixon Newell (Welsh/UK;triple threat) Laura di Matteo (Italy/UK;single match)

Wesna (Croatia/Germany; single match)

Sweet Saraya (UK; single)

Shayla Skye (Belgium; single match) Bianca (Poland; single, tag team match) Zafar Ameen (Hungary; triple threat) Dover (Hungary; single match) Tony Baritoon (Hungary; single match) Kazza Glennon (Ireland; single, mixed tag) The Fabulous Nicky (Ireland; mixed tag) Somptueuse Esmée (France; single, mixed tag) David Michel (France; mixed tag) Rob Raw (Belgium; mixed tag) Nitro (Hungary; mixed tag) Dragonita (Spain; single) Amber Rox (Germany; single match) Pauline (France; single) Eva Summers (France; mixed tag)

Sara Electra (France; single, mixed tag) Jimmy Gavroche (France; mixed tag) Gabriel Angelfyre (Netherlands; mixed tag)

Young Money Chong (Netherlands; mixed tag)

Current status: active roster member of HCW (Hungary), GWF (Germany), PWA (Belgium)

Special skills: Architect; Building construction technican

Promotions: HCW-Hungarian Championship Wrestling; German Wrestling Federation ; RWA-Romanian Wrestling Alliance; RPW-Romanian Pro Wrestling; PWA-Pro Wrestling Allstars; PWA- Pro Wrestling Academy; RCW-Revolution Championship Wrestling; KPW-Kombat Pro Wrestling; DDW-Do or Die Wrestling; Supermacy Wrestling; LNC-Show Catch Lnc; MEA-Multi Event Association; Power Wrestling Entertainment

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